"some were looking with a certain date in view"
What was this date? It was not a date in as much as it was only a year. With this current generation teaching there is no date, as such, but there is still a time setting, which at a maximum, being before approx. 2070 although listening to the Gb talks, they would have you believe it is before 2040. Nothing has changed other than as time passes their 'date' becomes more general.
"I was dedicated to Jehovah, not a date"
This statement is a lot of nonsense, it means nothing. Who was ever dedicated to a date? There were only two scenarios either a JW was
- dedicated to Jehovah, without a date in mind or
- dedicated to Jehovah, with a date in mind
The fact is that by having a date in mind, without question, the individual became dedicated to the teachings of an organisation, not Jehovah's/Bible teachings.
"after that year came and went, most of those who had the wrong expectations made the needed adjustments and they stayed. We didn't run away and we didn't give up, we trusted in Jehovah"
What exactly were these 'needed adjustments'? It was to accept that the organisation were fallible and to accept their teachings regardless. It meant to accept them even against biblical warnings.
It's strange how the JW first explains that his deep study showed him that as no one knows the day or hour he personally didn't accept the org's teaching but then talks about 'we' not giving up or running away. It begs the question as to who he would be running away from. Since he already knew the truth of the matter then he could only have been running away from the organisation, not Jehovah.
It is an organisation that gives itself the right to get anything wrong and expects God to make matters right.
A good question to ask a JW who knows many of the crazy teachings of Russell or Rutherford would be whether they would think any less of a studious Bible student of that time, if they rejected those teachings.