Sparrowdown - Hmmm...Maybe I should start a thread with just "ug?" and see how many people respond.You'd want to be careful, the Watchtower might come after you for copyright.
JoinedPosts by Listener
March 2018 Broadcast - When quotes become rumors
by Listener inthis months broadcast is presented by losche and he discusses the need for trust in the fds.
the following is transcribed from the 12.30 mark.. satan also has the scheme to spread rumors about our brothers including the faithful slave.
the method of spreading rumors is not new.
Jehovah and Jesus trusts the imperfect Slave who cares for things to the best of his ability and with the best of motives.
Some of them may have the best of intentions and they've certainly got where they are by being groomed to develop what their motives should be.
The key word here is 'things'. People aren't things and that includes all the abused children.
They just don't seem to realize that those 'things' are the organization itself and that is a fundamental flaw in their thinking. The organization/fds do not have love for their followers as their underlying motivation. -
The article in the June 2018 Watchtower, the following is the first paragraph, highlights are mine
HELLO! How are you today?”
No doubt you have often used a greeting such as that. You may even have accompanied your greeting with a handshake or a hug. Customs and words used may differ from place to place, but the basics of a greeting are much the same. In fact, not offering or responding to a greeting may be taken as unloving or as evidence of bad manners.Poopie, it's very unlikely that there will be any change in policy.
March 2018 Broadcast - When quotes become rumors
by Listener inthis months broadcast is presented by losche and he discusses the need for trust in the fds.
the following is transcribed from the 12.30 mark.. satan also has the scheme to spread rumors about our brothers including the faithful slave.
the method of spreading rumors is not new.
W 07 5/1 - genuine anointed Christians do not demand special attention. They do not believe that their being of the anointed gives them special “insights,” beyond what even some experienced members of the great crowd may have. They do not believe that they necessarily have more holy spirit than their companions of the other sheep have; nor do they expect special treatment or claim that their partaking of the emblems places them above the appointed elders in the congregation.
This doesn't apply to the Governing Body Members of the Faithful & Discreet Slave. They are a special class where a publisher must have even more trust in them over Elders who they may have known personally for decades. They do expect special treatment and Losch makes it clear that Jesus has specifically chosen him to be crowned a King.
This doesn't apply to the Governing Body Members of the Faithful & Discreet Slave. They are a special class where a publisher must have even more trust in them over Elders who they may have known personally for decades. They do expect special treatment and Losch makes it clear that Jesus has specifically chosen him to be crowned a King. -
March 2018 Broadcast - When quotes become rumors
by Listener inthis months broadcast is presented by losche and he discusses the need for trust in the fds.
the following is transcribed from the 12.30 mark.. satan also has the scheme to spread rumors about our brothers including the faithful slave.
the method of spreading rumors is not new.
It must be causing a stir otherwise they would not have spent time and resources on damage control. There's no doubt about it, Jackson is responsible for being a stumbling block to some JWs. Occasionally you can read about his testimony playing an important part in the waking up of some JWs.
I wonder if Jackson has thought of stepping down? I would be surprised if he hasn't, at least, thought about the damage he has done and been very sad. He's in a similar position as Morris was and continues to be but Jackson comes across as a little more humble than him.
It would be lovely to see him return to his wife's Island home and start a family. He may even begin to wake up when he meditates on all his experiences as a GB member.
March 2018 Broadcast - When quotes become rumors
by Listener inthis months broadcast is presented by losche and he discusses the need for trust in the fds.
the following is transcribed from the 12.30 mark.. satan also has the scheme to spread rumors about our brothers including the faithful slave.
the method of spreading rumors is not new.
One of the reasons we should put total trust in them is because they don't want to lose out on their heavenly reward. Yet there have been GB members in the past where this hasn't been a consideration.
The same principle should apply to any JW, including Elders, whether they have the heavenly hope or the earthly hope. -
March 2018 Broadcast - When quotes become rumors
by Listener inthis months broadcast is presented by losche and he discusses the need for trust in the fds.
the following is transcribed from the 12.30 mark.. satan also has the scheme to spread rumors about our brothers including the faithful slave.
the method of spreading rumors is not new.
This months broadcast is presented by Losche and he discusses the need for trust in the FDS. The following is transcribed from the 12.30 mark.
Satan also has the scheme to spread rumors about our Brothers including the Faithful Slave. The method of spreading rumors is not new. When Jesus was resurrected and the tomb was empty, the soldiers that reported it were told to spread the rumor that the disciples cam and stole the body at night. quotes Matthew 28:15. Another rumor in the 1st Century was that Christians were responsible for the great fire of Rome...Historians say that it was Nero, the Emperor that set fire to the city...
It would seem that he is specifically addressing what Jackson said at the Australian Royal Commission but can't be bothered to be specific or to explain how he was taken out of context or even if he was.
Today occassionaly rumors are being spread in electronic form about the Faithful Slave. This has brought some concern on the part of Brothers that especially when the reports are commenting on Court cases where some in the Organization were accused. Sometimes reference is made to certain quotes and readers then think 'how can a quote be a rumor?' A quote can be taken out of context. Critical reports often only give part of a matter and leave out other aspects. Often such rumors play on the emotions.
Ask yourself, am I prone to believe rumors and even if I am, should I spread it and undermine the trust that others have in the Slave or a representative of the er Branch Office. Avoid sensationalism by something like 'Can you believe what I heard about this matter or that matter or this person or that person' referring to a matter that may have appeared on Facebook, Youtube or Twitter? The spread of rumors is like wildfire that is hard to control, it spreads distrust and can undermine someone's faith.
This is not to say that the Slave is perfect and never makes mistakes but Jehovah and Jesus trusts the imperfect Slave who cares for things to the best of his ability and with the best of motives. Shouldn't we then trust the Slave as well? To appreciate the extent of Jehovah's and Jesus' trust in the faithful slave, reflect on what he has promised it's members. He has promised them immortality and incoruption. Soon, just before Armageddon, the remaining members of the Slave will be taken to heaven.
Since 1919 of our common era, the Slave has been put in charge of some belongings of Christ. According to Matthew 24:47 when the anointed are taken to heaven Jesus will then at that point entrust all his belongings to them. Does this not reveal immense trust? Revelation 4:4 describes these resurrected anointed as co rulers with Christ. Revelation 22:5 says they will rule, not only for a thousand years but for eever and eever. What imense trust Jesus shows toward them. Since Jehovah God and Jesus Christ completely trust the FDS should we not do the same?
Many servants of Jehovah in the past showed trust in Jehovah when confronted with obstacles or opposition. We can trust that Jehovah will not let us be tested beyond what we can bare but will provide a way out so that we can remain faithful under trials.
So, whom do you trust? You fully trust in Jehovah, Jesus and the Faithful Slave. To a reasonable degree you also trust all of your fellow Brothers and Sisters...something else we need to trust in – God’s Word...
The bottom line is that Jackson is not accountable for what he said at the Royal Commission because -
It’s just Satan who is behind the spreading of this information, so whatever he said doesn't matter.
His comments have been taken out of context and we aren’t about to explain how this is the case but you’re just getting emotional about it all
Even if you believe what he said, you don’t want to undermine the faith other Brothers have
Repeating what he said just causes mistrust even if he said it.
As part of the FDS, he is not perfect and makes mistakes
He has the best of motives because he wants immortality therefore we don’t even need to explain to you what he really meant. And since we also have the purest motives we don't need to explain to you why he said what he did.
God trusts him and so should you since we appointed him on behalf of Jesus who selected us as an organization since 1919 by putting us in charge of some of his belongings. Naturally this included the authority to appoint future members to the FDS including Jackson
Since Jehovah has promised that he will be a co ruler in the future, this immense trust by him shows that we should do the same. It doesn't matter that Jesus will judge on this matter in the future we can speak on his behalf because of the 1919 appointment.
If you see it as a test by God then it’s not because he knows you can deal with it.
Jackson is a GB member and it is possible that he could be acting outside the unity of the other GB members or more specifically, outside approved doctrinal teachings but it appears that Losche is trying to establish that he was acting as part of the FDS during the Court Hearing. Even though they’ve made it clear before that it is only when they are together can it be said that the FDS is operating.
No mention is given about the FDS becoming the evil slave and any future award has not currently been awarded or examined for worthiness by Jesus.
The Commission found them to be the worst religion in handling child abuse accusations and instead of addressing this fundamental flaw and the very reason the Commission was looking into the Watchtower organization, they choose to make up a bunch of excuses for some of the things Jackson and the Branch said and misdirect the rank and file from the real issues.
Unhappy being asked to give a Disfellowshipped Sister a ride to and from Meetings
by Isambard Crater ini'm pimo, very much against disfellowshipping, and going to a meeting leaves me feeling confused and angry at the best of times.
except an elder asked me on thursday night if i can start giving a ride to a disfellowshipped woman because she lives near me and nobody else from the hall lives in my village.
it seems the elder and his family who have been giving this woman a ride for the past six months can no longer stomach the time it takes them to go out of their way.. i thought all normal publishers weren't to have any contact with disfellowshipped people?
Just tell him the truth, that you don't feel comfortable doing this. You shouldn't have to explain further and if he does go on about it, point out that you don't like being pressured about it when you've already said how you feel.
This is very good news and it was nice to hear from the copyright holder.
She has made a lot of extra work for herself and no doubt, she has her reasons for this. She also sounds like she wanted this book to come on the market with a Big Bang and has made efforts to get it published and distributed as wildly as possible.
She has used her own conscience in deciding to alter the original version, I hope we can still stand by this book and give it our highest recommendations.
Kim and Mike, it was a great honor that she chose you guys to make this announcement public and a great testimony to the two of you by someone who was greatly respected by the Franz's.
Try Not To Vomit When You Read Todays Text
by pale.emperor intuesday, february 27. let the elders who preside in a fine way be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who work hard in speaking and teaching.—1 tim.
5:17.. those related to us in the faith certainly merit honor and respect.
this is especially true of the elders who are taking the lead.
Let the elders who preside in a fine way be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who work hard in speaking and teaching.—1 Tim. 5:17.
They just ignore the part that qualifies them of honor and that's when they have gone about their work in a 'fine way'.
They also choose to ignore this scripture just a few paragraphs away at 1 Timothy 2:20 " But those elders who are sinning you are to reprove before everyone, so that the others may take warning."