Thank you for recording your JC and sharing it with us.
Regarding doctrine that you share with the Elders I hadn't considered before that they teach that the Alpha and Omega, Jesus, had no existence for three and a half days.
The Elders got themselves tied up with what the actual transgression was. Initially they said it was sharing teachings with Brothers/the congregation that was not biblical, then it changed to teachings or the truth taught by the organization. It then became JW contra teachings or doubts shared publicly. They claim that you are a cause of stumbling to the congregation. It then proceeds to a warning that you shouldn't be on public media discussing spiritual things as it would be dangerous for you.
The funny thing is that they ask you how you know that you are discussing matters with JWs when you're on social media. Well what are they charging you with? It can't be causing divisions as they didn't seem convinced that you were even talking to JWs.
One Elder then promises you that if you repented there and then, he would be happy to go out witnessing with you the very next day. For a group of Elders that say they follow organisational rule this is not how a JC operates. However, I can see how that would turn out. Had you said you were repentant and would do or not do certain things, I can see the Elders discussing the matter together and deciding that you aren't repentant and df anyway.
Regarding the cyber stalking, it would seem as if you hit a chord with them, especially since you brought up some biblical examples and is probably the reason why they weren't going to df if you co-operated with them.
It was quite an extraordinary JC. It was sad to hear the extent that they have gone to to make your life a misery.
I will be interested to hear what Stuckinarut has to say regarding the cyber stalking since he had a small incident that he mentioned a few days ago. It's real and you're right, if they keep attacking JWs for things posted on social media they will self destruct (albeit slowly). The GB has to accept that if they're going to come out and say that they are not perfect or infallible then some leeway must be given to JWs in expressing doubts or different thoughts.
They acknowledged that you are an intelligent person, more clever than they are. However, due to their uncompromising policies of expecting perfection from followers all they will be left with in their organization are people who are more interested in the social aspects rather than the educational aspects. If they are going to have witch hunts and subject followers to court judicials then the future will only continue to look bad for them.