Slimboyfat - If this letter is genuine, I think they are flat out lying. I don’t believe they intend to build many KHs, print more literature, and I especially don’t believe they intend to financially support greater numbers of special pioneers.
Since they are reducing the size of Bethel, it sounds like they are sending the Bethelites out and offering to reassign them as temp. Special Pioneers. It's interesting that this is only a temporary arrangement.
It makes no sense, why are they not printing in India anymore but are increasing the amount of printed material to distribute? I think Anders Anderson has it right when he says that HQ's wants the money for the sale of the Indian Bethel and will funnel it out by selling them more publications.
They don't need to buy new property before they sell, if they need more time t move before the sale of the property is settled then they can rent. It sounds like there won't be many Bethelites anyway, probably just enough to distribute and store publications.