Let it be
The bees with the rent sign
some light entertainment ... there are apparently 39 beatles songs hidden in the picture, but depending on how to interpret some of them you may come up with more.. please post one each, to give everyone a go, and describe where the song is in the picture (so it's not just coming up with a list of beatles songs).
also, check for existing answers - i'll post summaries to show the ones already identified.. .
i'm in the uk, and most days over the last 2 weeks i've watched the 5pm uk government update on the corona virus situation which includes questions from the media.
generally speaking i've found the whole update, including the questions and answers, to be respectful, informative and non combative, with, to the best of my recollection, very little mention of politics and blame.
certainly no political point scoring.
i'm in the uk, and most days over the last 2 weeks i've watched the 5pm uk government update on the corona virus situation which includes questions from the media.
generally speaking i've found the whole update, including the questions and answers, to be respectful, informative and non combative, with, to the best of my recollection, very little mention of politics and blame.
certainly no political point scoring.
this has been a horrible month.
my best friend’s wife just called to tell me that my friend had to be hospitalized due to severe coronavirus complications.
he has severe pneumonia, is put on a ventilator and is in a coma .
for you poor saps unfortunate enough to have missed yesterday's zoom watchtower study, i thought i'd prepare a little summary for you.. in fact, to keep things really short, i'll just highlight the outstanding verbs from the article.. paragraph 2: do not view.
paragraph 4: think seriously about the warning.....partake unworthily.
paragraph 5: do not feel...does not give....do not feel....would never tell.
now that the medical advice seem to be coming round to actually giving honest advice, it's good to have a mask.
weeks wasted and god knows how many infected that didn't need to be, but now there's no excuse for not wearing one ... other than you may not have any.. you can make them of course, if you have a sewing machine.
but even if you don't, you can make one using the blue shop-towel, a couple of elastic bands and a stapler.
now that the medical advice seem to be coming round to actually giving honest advice, it's good to have a mask.
weeks wasted and god knows how many infected that didn't need to be, but now there's no excuse for not wearing one ... other than you may not have any.. you can make them of course, if you have a sewing machine.
but even if you don't, you can make one using the blue shop-towel, a couple of elastic bands and a stapler.
It seems that people are using anything they can think of as a filter without considering whether they are dangerous or not. A lot of the recommendations are for items that were never intended to be closely inhaled.
One suggestion is to use Hepa filters that can be found in things like Air conditioners. We have several unused ones for our room air filter but hubby told me to check whether they were safe to wear next to your face and breathing in the materials they are made from. Sure enough there are warnings (by Doctors) not to use them.
Apparently a better filter is one that is not very absorbent (the blue towels are) as in it repels water more.
I will be making some filters with a pocket to add some type of filter, probably a paper towel or a couple of tissues because I can't think of anything else. The material filter will be three layers thick and 100% cotton that is tightly woven is recommended.
i'm only quoting the org's force-fed "food at the proper time" which friends and family had to swallow!.
it-2 p. 1027 spiritism - "and in the christian greek scriptures the statement is made that those who practice spiritism “will not inherit god’s kingdom.” (gal.
5:20, 21; rev.
They feel they must be receiving messages from the dead anointed because Rutherford was able to identify the Great Crowd in 1935. Not even the bible pointed to the fact that they would be identified then. Also, there is no indication in the bible as to when the anointed began to be resurrected but again, the GB believe it began around 1919, there only evidence being that they feel that new truths are being revealed to them, such as the 1935 teaching.
prudent decision even if the pandemic is over you are going to have people that.
lost jobs can't afford to go.
not allowed any vacation time rest of year.
hey all,.
i'm day six of isolation, confirmed to have coronavirus.
i have been seeing very sick cv positive patients over the last month in my a&e role (emergency physician) it was inevitable i would contract it.. just wanted to give some symptom and treatment advice, it's anecdotal but may help.. started as sore throat and headache, then croaky voice, then dry cough, then episodic transient fevers, all this over the first few days.