Thanks Petra and Atlantis for providing the latest Announcements from the Watchtower.
They are telling Congregations to replace the 15 minute local needs talk in the Midweek Meeting of October 26th with a talk on neutrality.
I am not sure if this is due to there being a USA election on Tues 3rd, November or because of their worldwide preaching campaign targeting Government officials. It does sound like it is due to the USA election due to comments about propaganda and political promises.
This is the talk outline
Why Is Neutrality So Important?
PLEASE NOTE: This part is to be delivered as a discussion. Warmly commend the congregation and
remind them that Jehovah treasures their faithful service as they shoulder their personal
responsibility in this important matter (Joh 17:14; 18:36; Ga 6:5)
[After a brief introduction, play the seven-minute video Why Is Neutrality So Important?
Thereafter, ask the questions listed below]
Question: What does Christian neutrality mean? [Not taking sides in political issues, either
actively or mentally]
Question: Why is Christian neutrality important? [The political system wants to put its mark on
us (Re 13:16, 17)]
Question: What are three things that could erode our Christian neutrality? [{1) Propaganda the
media puts forth, (2) sporting events, (3) political promises being made during election time]
Question: What are the benefits of maintaining Christian neutrality?
[Without elaborating, ask the audience to make note of the references listed below for
consideration in their personal study and family worship]
November 1, 1999, Watchtower, pages 28-29, "Questions From Readers"
• June 2018 Watchtower, pages 3-7, "My Kingdom Is No Part of This World"
• Remain in God's Love, page 244, endnote 16
• Video Christian Neutrality-What It Means, What It Takes, and Why We Choose It. On, go to LIBRARY> VIDEOS> JW BROADCASTING> TALKS. In JW Library, go to MEDIA>
May we be determined to remain part of Jehovah's united people by maintaining our neutrality in
a divided world!
© 2020
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania
In regards to political neutrality I thought this instruction regarding the November 'political' campaign to be of note -
2. Worldwide Campaign in November 2020: A sample letter dated November 3, 2020, for
use in distributing The Watchtower No. 2 2020 to local government officials has been posted
on Similar wording may be used for letters written to businesses. The date of the letter
may be adjusted. The official's office address or the business address should be used to send
such correspondence. Publishers should not send the magazine to officials who are actively
opposing our activities. (Matt. 10: 16, 17) As a reminder, personal letterhead rather than congregation letterhead should be used.
They quote Matt 10:16,17 which states
16 “I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves. 17 Be on your guard; you will be handed over to the local councils and be flogged in the synagogues.
So they are well aware that what they are doing may well provoke persecution and it is only officials who are actively opposing their activities that they are not to write to. This whole letter campaign has the potential to be politically dangerous for them as the magazine they are sending says their Government will be destroyed.
But also, in the neutrality talk they say that Christian neutrality means not taking sides in political issues, either actively or mentally. Wouldn't making decisions as to which officials are actively opposing their activities and not sending Watchtowers out to them but sending them to other officials (even those who oppose them but not actively) mean they are not taking a neutral stand?