Thanks Atlantis for the english version.
The Watchtower once again attempts to deal with disaster preparedness
3. Disaster Preparedness: As a reminder, the body of elders should annually review local
arrangements for disaster preparedness. This should be done even if natural disasters are
not common in your area, since man-made disasters can occur without warning. (Prov. 22:3)
This review includes confirming contact information, verifying the arrangements for those
with special needs, and planning to secure congregation records. (sfl chap. 26 pars. 2-6)
When reviewing arrangements for those with special needs, consider how to reduce their
potential exposure to COVID-19 if it becomes necessary to assist them before or after a
A lot of emphasis is always made of JWs having to hand over their contact information to Elders but I haven't seen anything about Elders handing over their contact details to JWs or what arrangements are in place for when a JW needs to call for help.
I would think that these are discussed locally but I don't see reference made to it by the Watchtower. It seems that the arrangement is that an Elder will keep in contact with you rather than the other way around.
They have their go bags and that seems to be it.