Lloydsevanparody - You said it again, that is, the source is reliable. You previously said "The source is 100% reliable. It has been verified."
Could you please clarify the source that is reliable and how it was verified?
original reddit post (removed).
Lloydsevanparody - You said it again, that is, the source is reliable. You previously said "The source is 100% reliable. It has been verified."
Could you please clarify the source that is reliable and how it was verified?
original reddit post (removed).
Lloydsevansparody - I agree with you, it is right to be cautious however, I didn't find any of your comments to be reassuring.
You said
Marko (not his name) was a real person. Some on here talked to him. Unfortunately he disappeared eventually.
It comes as no surprise that people spoke to "Marko". I think many people spoke to "Billy the Bethelite". Some even thought he was really Billy and still working in Bethel.
I don't think it's ever been suggested that Marko (not his real name) is not a real person. These claims weren't coming out of the sky or made up by a robot. They were being related by a real person. The issue is, whether the claims were true or not and whether Marko was who he claimed to be, Lloyd's BIL.
Regarding the comments from Lloyd Evans on the True Dating site, how was this 100% verified as you claim? Have you verified it or are you saying that someone else has and you believe them, without any evidence?
Anyone can go in an join the True Dating website without any POI whatsoever.
original reddit post (removed).
TonusOH So the question becomes, will he file a civil suit before 2025? Or is he hoping everyone forgets about it by then?
Tom/JW Fairy Tale was very clear in calling out Lloyd/Cedars as a pedo back in 2017, this was through the Vast Apostate Army who were happy to publicly air this. His claim was that Lloyd had been caught out for cyber sexting a 14 year old and jacking off in front of her, his wife caught him and this is why he got deleted as an Elder.
If Lloyd wasn't prepared to lodge any civil cases against people calling him a pedophile back in 2017 then is he really going to bother to sue anyone for much less?
At that time, in 2017, Lloyd said that he was going to sue Tom and other members of the VAH. They told him to 'bring it on' and he never did.
this story is so stunningly sad.
the good guy finishes last, as he has a crisis of conscience and ends up leaving behind four kids.
original reddit post (removed).
Is it possible that he's gone back to England for the month to look at relocating there? It's hard to imagine that he would move so far from his children but with Lloyd Evans, it's all about Lloyd Evans.
original reddit post (removed).
I saw this post made on a thread regarding Steven Unthank. A poster going by the user name of 'the-real-BCG' wrote a resonse to comments that Lloyd Evans had made. It's on ex JW Reddit -
...Secondly, educate yourself about the legal processes and issues involved with reporting child sexual abuse. Without stepping outside the confines of JW religious doctrine and beliefs and educating yourself how can you honestly expect to do better than the Watchtower. Inside the religion, education was discouraged because it kept everyone believing unsupported claims.
This thread is an example of why we need to start educating ourselves instead of just believing anything that is published.
Cedars1929, while I understand that you are passionate about being loud in your activism for victims of child sexual abuse, do you realise that by using some of your chosen forms of activism you are unknowingly harming some victims. I cannot stress enough how important it is to educate yourself.
To put it simply:
This is one of the main reasons I decided to speak with you privately. I tried to educate you on why it is important to get written consent from the victims stories you publish. As a producer of a documentary and an activist you have an obligation and to know this information and educate people. It is imperative that you advise people about the impact of producing information about someone’s sexual assault.
In obtaining their written consent you SHOULD be informing them that if at any time in the future they choose to make a criminal complaint, their case will be jeopardised by publicly sharing their story. Your choices as an activist impact other people’s ability to obtain criminal justice. Unfortunately many victims are unaware of this fact, they naively give up their story for the cause at their own cost. Being subject to sexual assault myself, the number one issue that was important to me was the ability to seek justice for what happened. I am pretty sure that it is also the number one issue for many other people that have been in the same circumstances as me.
Cedars1929 there is so much legally about this topic that you need to educate yourself on. Otherwise you can inadvertently and unknowingly be causing more harm than good.
Just revisiting our goals, how we choose to do achieve our activism goals matter.
BCG activism goal:
is to protect children, expose JW practices and assist people while respecting other people’s consent = desired outcome is to hold the Watchtower accountable.
protects victims rights to criminally prosecute
cedars1929 activism goal:
is to take down the Watchtower at any cost = desired outcome is hold the Watchtower accountable
jeopardises victims rights to prosecute
For al those reading this thread, this information should not be used to vilify cedars1929, I do not want that to happen. It is not the reason why I clarified cedars1929 comment. It is my hope that cedars1928 will now listen and learn from a second effort to explain why I raised issue with consent. I have decided to share this information in reply to cedars1929 comment above to educate the Ex JW community and cedars1929 why it is important to start educating yourselves - we need to do better.
I believe that many activists are doing “what they believe” is in the best interests of people, but there is a very big difference between someone’s belief and what is factually helpful. BCG’s Hot Tip: is to educate yourself about the issues you are advocating about.
I would personally like to see the Ex JW community unite. For the record, cedars1929, I have no animosity towards you whatsoever, I am still open to discussion with you, please let me know if you have any questions or want to discuss the issues addressed above please use my email it is: [email protected]
I will be speaking about why the issue of “consent” is so foreign to the Ex JW community in a video in my YouTube channel.
I think the warning to abuse victims is well considered and I wonder if Lloyd bothers to share this advise with those victims that he interviews or if he even thinks this is important.
In the blog that Evans made, he states at 3. a. (caps are mine)
Anyone wishing to accuse me of perpertrating crime should be going to the police before posting on social media IF THEY TRUELY CARE ABOUT THE CRIME ITSELF OR ANY POTENTIAL VICTIMS.
How many victims has he told to report the crime or seek professional advice before he agrees to publish their story?
He mimics the Watchtower with his play on words such as calling himself a professional. Lloyd states that he is a professional activist but he is no professional. He has not demonstrated any real professionalism when dealing with victims of abuse. He plays at a game of splashing their stories on his social media accounts with no proper guidance or assistance. He profits from their stories, even makes a full time living from it and appears to do very little for them.
great grandma studies out of the children book.
are your parents / family jws?.
my grandma, her son and some cousins and aunts/uncles on that side yes.
It's great to see that you found the template. Is your Youtube channel still up?
and then they instructed all the jw sheeple.. july 2022 wt study magazine, p. 12, par.
"jesus provides wise direction in times of crisis.
the benefits of that direction were evident when the covid-19 pandemic broke out.
Since this direction came through WHO, which is an arm of the United Nations, this religion is becoming stranger all the time. By their own interpretation they don't consider the UN to be a higher authority and now they are equating it to be directed by Jesus.
since i cannot update my bio at this time let me introduce myself.
ex jw of 2 years.
was pimi for 24 and df'd for almost 3 years.
Hi Judgerusselford. It's great to hear that your wife and family left with you. I enjoy being here as well and find it a great source of information as well as a friendly forum.
Its great that that you were able to get out along with your wife and family and I hope that you find the time to share your story about this.
original reddit post (removed).
6820 - No need to apologise, it's great to have the screenshots on the thread. Over the years, there's been numerous times when exJWs have asked why some people have a problem with Lloyd Evans. It's a question that has so many different responses so having this thread with many of the issues recorded in the one spot means we can provide a link to others when we get that question or when we want to warn them.