They sure are accepting WHO as a most reliable source but they don't have the guts to admit it.
JoinedPosts by Listener
Two gems from February 2023 Study Watchtower
by BoogerMan infebruary 2023 study watchtower: .
p. 16, par.
5 - ”when we base our discussions on material published by jehovah’s organization, (not the bible!
Two gems from February 2023 Study Watchtower
by BoogerMan infebruary 2023 study watchtower: .
p. 16, par.
5 - ”when we base our discussions on material published by jehovah’s organization, (not the bible!
Their comments about the pictures in this Watchtower are -
PICTURE DESCRIPTION: (Top) A couple watch the news. Later, after a congregation meeting, they share with others their strong personal opinions about the meaning of news events. (Bottom) A couple watch a Governing Body update in order to stay current with the latest understanding of Bible prophecy. They offer to others Bible-based publications that are provided by the faithful slave.
With so much restrictions on what JWs are to think and accept as right then the Watchtower should come out and state who is
the most reliable governmental and medical sources available.”
Two gems from February 2023 Study Watchtower
by BoogerMan infebruary 2023 study watchtower: .
p. 16, par.
5 - ”when we base our discussions on material published by jehovah’s organization, (not the bible!
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
There's an interesting video on Lloyds channel where he interviews his wife. It's called "Aggressive activism five years on". It was done three years ago.
At the five minute mark she reflects on her feelings and reaction to ex JWs that we're trying to reach out to her. She completely misunderstands their good intentions and I don't doubt that Lloyd's influence had everything to do with this. It's not human nature for most people to intentionally destroy a marriage.
Lloyd finds the situation very amusing as she discusses her thoughts and no doubt, is over the moon regarding his wife's naievity.
Article: The Crypto Ponzi Scheme Avenger - [A former JW]
by AndersonsInfo in(this article is available by subscription only so i copied and pasted it below.).
here's part of the information about mr. de hek's past as a jw:.
The organisation has gone to great lengths to rebrand including the blue JW logo. Their financial restructure is ongoing which includes selling, buying and building, registering and reshuffling of business names and developing new donation needs and strategies.
Missing Monthly Broadcast - May 2015
by Listener inyoutuber millstone research has done a video on the fact that the may 2015 monthly broadcast is no longer on jw org..
the broadcast was presented by lett who mentions he had the backing of the other gb members regarding his comments.. the broadcast is basically about soliciting jws for funds as well as other 'valuable things' for the organisation.
this is the one where he claims that the money flowing out was more than the money flowing in.
As TheOldHippie mentioned, the 35 minute segment presented by Lett on the May 2015 Broadcast can still be under Talks and is titled "M. Stephen Lett: "Honor Jehovah With Your Valuable Things" It was assumed that the Broadcast had been deleted because of this talk but that idea doesn't seem to be the case.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Kim was the messenger. There is plenty that Evans should or could own up about.
How old were the girls that you sexted back in the early days of your marriage? Did it go beyond sexting? What was the real reason for the JCs, including the final one? Are there recordings of the JCs? What year did sleeping with prostitutes begin? How did you know their ages, including Thailand? We're the sex workers willing participants? Did you ever consider how degrading your sexual demands were on these sex workers? Did you feel no shame in speaking/interviewing sex abuse victims, even encouraging them to come forward, making themselves public or being an activist for them when your own lifestyle could potentially contribute to the problem?
Wanting to see Kim's credentials fades into insignificance and even more so when her standard of work speaks for itself.
The Watchtower—Study Edition | December 2022
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe watchtower—study edition | december 2022.
6 jehovah has created us to find enjoyment in our work.
In this article, they mention that millions will be resurrected. At other times they mention billions will be resurrected.
Missing Monthly Broadcast - May 2015
by Listener inyoutuber millstone research has done a video on the fact that the may 2015 monthly broadcast is no longer on jw org..
the broadcast was presented by lett who mentions he had the backing of the other gb members regarding his comments.. the broadcast is basically about soliciting jws for funds as well as other 'valuable things' for the organisation.
this is the one where he claims that the money flowing out was more than the money flowing in.
Then the missing ones are May, 2015 and September, 2020.
Missing Monthly Broadcast - May 2015
by Listener inyoutuber millstone research has done a video on the fact that the may 2015 monthly broadcast is no longer on jw org..
the broadcast was presented by lett who mentions he had the backing of the other gb members regarding his comments.. the broadcast is basically about soliciting jws for funds as well as other 'valuable things' for the organisation.
this is the one where he claims that the money flowing out was more than the money flowing in.
TheOldHippie -Thanks, got it.
Keinlizard was the one that mentioned the French Video's and he links to an earlier French video that he has which is no longer there.
You don't happen to know why so many have disappeared?