ExBethelite, what has it been revised to?
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Anthony Morris III demoted to Great Crowd!
by Vanderhoven7 inwell, that is my prediction for 2024 anyway!
hey, if watchtower can speculate..... https://youtu.be/dn8askhhwkw.
Jeffrey Jackson: Too much excitement got in the way for the ''false dates''
by RULES & REGULATIONS inannual meeting 2019—talks and 2020 year textthe governing body members are nothing but a bunch of weasels.
here is a talk by jeffrey jackson on how the governing body ''the slave class'' has remained spiritually awake over 100 years and alerted its members.. he looks back on the ''faithful and discreet slaves'' false dates over the 100 years: '' but at times, we look back over 100 years, and there were times they got excited about a certain year or time, and the end didn't come at that time.''.
he makes the comparison between the ''slave class ( who disappointed others when the end didn't come ) to a barking watchdog ( who in his enthusiasm barks at nothing in the middle of the night and wakes up the owner).
No, you don't shoot the dog but have learnt that you can no longer rely on it to be a guard dog. Instead, you'll have to attend to it during the night when it barks so as not to disturb the rest of the family and neighbours.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
EasyPrompt, why should a person's reputation be undermined because they are ridiculing someone? You claim that happens every time.
In this scenario you need to look at who is doing the undermining, I don't know how desirable these people would be as good acquaintances.
I read this comment elsewhere and think it's great -
Is there a way to distinguish helpful and unhelpful ridicule? Heroic vs. over-the-line ridicule?
I don't doubt you would find some unhelpful ridicule on this thread but given that it provides many with a good laugh, it's debateable. However, there is so much that would be considered helpful and that could hardly be undermining the posters reputation, in fact, it is heroic and the reason it is seen as necessary.
You also mention a continuing cycle of hate. Where is this notion of 'continuing hate' come from?
Anthony Morris the III has been FOUND
by Terry innote: photos can be found on the blue envelope channelhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nakezkhqbmtony and susan morris are living in lumberton, north carolina.
a real estate document on the robeson county website is filed:.
the religious order of jehovah's witnesses has provided a "life estate" for them.they can live in this townhouse until they are deceased or choose to move away and in either case the ownership becomes entirely the property of jehovah's witnesses.
Not only was he removed as a GB member but it would appear that he’s been marked. It would explain why they have to remove his videos. If they recognise him as in good standing once again, it’s possible that his videos may be reinstated.
It also explains why they only kept the announcement that he was no longer a member of the GB up for a short period and also, the reason why they did not thank him for his service.
His sons, knowing the situation, would not be allowed to stay with him but would be allowed to visit. They could not stay with other JWs or a Hotel as it would raise too many questions amongst the local JWs.
Anthony Morris the III has been FOUND
by Terry innote: photos can be found on the blue envelope channelhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nakezkhqbmtony and susan morris are living in lumberton, north carolina.
a real estate document on the robeson county website is filed:.
the religious order of jehovah's witnesses has provided a "life estate" for them.they can live in this townhouse until they are deceased or choose to move away and in either case the ownership becomes entirely the property of jehovah's witnesses.
The Blue Envelope does a wonderful job when it comes to presenting new information and supporting it with facts.
The accommodation is very comfortable and it's possibly similar to this-
Isn't it wonderful that Jehovah provides and blesses those not in good standing.
Their own literature condemns them in numerous instances, this being just one
Insight under SIN Similarly, James 2:1-9 condemns as sin the showing of favoritism or the making of class distinctions among Christians. Paul says that those paying no heed to the weak consciences of their brothers and thus causing such to stumble are “sinning against Christ,” God’s Son who gave his own lifeblood for his followers.—1Co 8:10-13.
It's not surprising they keep all this secret from the rank and file.
The Watchtower is in the renovation NOT construction business now
by raymond frantz inthe watchtower is officially in the renovation business now (no more building) because the "brothers"(freemasonic scum of pensylvania?
) know best 🤣🤣🤣.
***from the latest watchtower article 07/12/23.
They don't have any shortage of free labour but like most construction companies, they would have had serious problems with material supply issues as well as much higher costs. -
Only one weekly meeting?
by mikeflood innew wt october 2023....first an article remembering 1923....they make changes, the had a "prayer, praise and testimony weekly meeting".. after an study article about obey, specially paragraph 18.. i have a wild guess, next year, just one weekly meeting for the borg..
If they reduce down to one meeting a week it should help to increase their attendance numbers, at least temporarily.
It's interesting that it talks about meetings in 1923 having sessions called testimonies and the article says
On Saturday, August 25, Brother Rutherford delivered the talk “Sheep and Goats,” in which he clearly identified the “sheep” as righteously disposed people who would live on a paradise earth. He also introduced the resolution “A Warning.” This resolution denounced Christendom and urged honesthearted ones to separate themselves from “Babylon the Great.” (Rev. 18:2, 4) Zealous Bible Students earthwide would later unite in distributing millions of copies of this resolution.
This may be a clue as to what is in those secret boxes they sent out to the Congregations to be opened on the first week of November.
There's nothing like a good resolution to stir up those obedient sheep.
NEW DRAMA: UN CAMPS are a provision from Jehovah
by raymond frantz inun camps are a provision from jehovah .
That’s unfortunate. I didn’t realise that is why Ex-jw analiyzer stopped.
He couldn’t have done more by having his ‘round table’ discussions with two other ex JWs that had differing views on some matters.
I suspect their are some cut throat JWs who are out there on social media to discourage, sabotage or attack whenever they get the chance. They do it on ex JWs reddit.
My defense speech before the judicial committee
by Disfellowshipped-Brother indear brothers!.
we have gathered here because, according to your claims, i have apostatized, and as elders, it is your duty to maintain the purity of the flock.
it seems now that someone has contaminated it, apparently.
Thanks Disfellowshipped-Brother for your posts. They may be long but they are full of gems. They are the sort of posts that make this site such an excellent research tool.
Could I ask what you've been doing, particularly in the last year, as you mention, that has helped to increase your Bible knowledge?
My defense speech before the judicial committee
by Disfellowshipped-Brother indear brothers!.
we have gathered here because, according to your claims, i have apostatized, and as elders, it is your duty to maintain the purity of the flock.
it seems now that someone has contaminated it, apparently.
I agree TonusOH but Fisherman doesn't feel that the OP made any defense. So if he doesn't think he made any defense why does he think that the OP was claiming that he was?