Anders Anderson - And yes, I was ashamed of taken the WWW donation money. I was like 14 at the time. It was a really small amount, and I added it to my regular donations years later. Looking back, I should have kept all of it 
I was really puzzled by your post, I looked through your earlier posts and think you sound like an honest person and also a dedicated JW when you were in.
I thought that No. 2 was a lie because of keeping the donated money, we've had a discussion on that here before and it is not something that many people would have done. Overstating time records yes but not stealing money. I am not in the least surprised that you paid it back. When we are young we probably test the boundaries more and are more daring.
I thought maybe you were probably influenced by your Brother to a large extent. Would that be true?
Anyway, it really shows why kids and teenagers should not be baptized, it is wrong. They will do things that a more mature person wouldn't, they are still learning and developing. This is probably the biggest reason why Courts deal differently with minors. They are seen to be less culpable. For baptized JW kids, the guilt for doing relatively normal things must play on them greatly. They are too young to fully understand why and why they do not do certain things.