Good point that you made Sir 82 in response to their commentary regarding the Telly Awards
Hmm, what a glowing testimonial!
I wonder if anyone else has had such high-falutin' praise?
In attempting to garner more glowing adulation for themselves in winning the awards they needed to promote and glorify the Telly Awards. This becomes an editorial advertisement for a commercial entity and JWs are paying for it.
It's ironic that the Telly Awards are specifically designed for the promotion and advertising of the film industry. In other words, the Watchtower not only becomes involved in the business of advertising but are promoting a business that facilitates the advertising of businesses.
I doubt that they are even making these video's under their own steam but engaging professionals. I remember seeing one video that gave credit at the end to an outside firm. I wonder how many Bethelites they've sent off to have special training even though they have decided to change their policy in regards to having them trained as lawyers.