JoinedPosts by Listener
How much of the Society's publications just get stored away in the garage?
by donny inalmost a year ago i moved back to the dallas - fort worth area after spending 16 years in the northern california area.
the area i live in has several nearby parks and walkways and these areas have several "share a book" pods mounted on a pole spaced about 1/2 mile from one another.
people are encouraged to add books they no longer use to these pods and to take one if they are interested.. i have been diligent on removing watchtower publications from them and what has surprised me is how many old publications in pristine condition are added almost on a daily basis.
JW Chef Refuses to Cook Black Pudding
by cofty insainsbury's has been forced to apologise after its jehovah's witness chef refused to serve a customer black pudding with his full english breakfast.alan mackay was stunned when he was told he could not enjoy the staple, made up of animal fat, blood and oatmeal, with his meal at the branch in arnold, nottingham.after receiving his incomplete dish the former police officer was told the black pudding would not be served because it was against the religious beliefs of the chef to do so....
Stupid memorial obsessions
by Simon inall the different congregations around the world hold it at similar local times but they all effectively are at different times relative to each other ... so why does the time matter?.
why the almost superstitious "oh, it must be after sundown".
cause it's not sundown everywhere that second.. god knew the earth was round ... right?.
New light wt last Sunday Para 14 you can now
by poopie inenjoy your friends and families company as your annointed even if you are df i guess thst applies to everyone
Yes Poopie, that is a good comment.
This is Para 14 from the Jan Watchtower
How do anointed ones feel about their life here on earth?
14 Should we conclude, then, that these anointed ones want to die? Paul was inspired to answer this way: “In fact, we who are in this tent groan, being weighed down, because we do not want to put this one off, but we want to put the other on, so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life.” (2 Cor. 5:4) They have not lost interest in this life, wanting it to end quickly. On the contrary, they are eager to use each day in Jehovah’s service together with friends and relatives. Yet, no matter what they are doing, they cannot help but remember the glorious hope that they have for the future.—1 Cor. 15:53; 2 Pet. 1:4;1 John 3:2, 3; Rev. 20:6.If those that declare themselves as anointed ones who believe that they will be going to heaven to be Kings and Priests was true then they would be seriously considering their personal dealings with those that have been close to them on earth. I can't begin to imagine what it would be like to be a King/Priest after shunning and deliberately avoiding disfellowshipped parents, children, brothers and sisters.
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This was in 2011 (when you get it)
by ILoveTTATT2 init's not the rings... that was highlighted for a different reason..
This was in 2011 (when you get it)
by ILoveTTATT2 init's not the rings... that was highlighted for a different reason..
Interesting video. Use of donated funds....
by stuckinarut2 in
worth watching...stick with it to the end..
November 15, 2013 Watchtower said on page 20, “At that time, the lifesaving direction that we receive from Jehovah’s organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint. All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not.”
If the organization explained why they need more money then it would be up to the individual to decide whether it was practical, sound or strategic. Instead it makes no sense when Herd says they are making many reductions, including the selling of Bethel Branches, Assembly and Kingdom Halls and then says they need more money to build and renovate Kingdom Halls and for Bethel facilities.
Winston is right, they refuse to give all their reasons, particularly the major ones. It becomes impossible for the individual to use critical thinking, there is not enough information and the only option is to blindly accept it or leave and be shunned.
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God said be fruitful and multiply,fill the earth and govern it.
by atomant inl have a problem with this.lf adam and eve didnt sin the earth would eventually have been full to the brim with perfect human beings.then what every man gets the chop or no more sex?then on the other hand we have the jw's sayingresurrected ones will not be allowed to marry in the earthly new system.. married survivors of armageddon will remain married.
single survivors of armageddon may or may not be allowed to it seems that people reborn into new system wont be able to procreate.
and married survivors will stay married so l assume that means they can still hanky panky and have babys thats a bit unfair..the earth can only accommodate a maximum number of humans then what for the married couples.