JoinedPosts by Listener
If a proposed bill in Mexico passes, new law will mean jailtime for JW´s
by ILoveTTATT2 inapparently it's true!!
i did not want to believe these news, i still feel it's a hoax, it can't be true!.
Outlaw, that clip is awful. -
before you put this week's wt away, look at page 3.--
by prologos inpage 3 or any other side, foot notes and share them.
bored today i looked at page 3 and 2 of the 4 elated willing offerings really looked peeved, simone and eston, even if you serve in a vacation destination, paradise, reality will set in, and it will show as in this telling picture.
and: page 22, it is downhill all the way.
Prologos, that is a good point about the Shepherd leading his sheep downhill in the picture. -
Special talk outline or highlights?
by stephanie61092 ini apologize if this has already been covered but i've actually had a really busy, fun weekend with friends and family and i haven't been online.
that being said, i missed the special talk yesterday.
does anyone have the outline or highlights of the talk?
This might be of some help.
How are awake JWs going to deal with the life and death, Dual Power of Suicide, no blood card issue?
by Island Man inthere was a recent leak of a letter to congregations regarding a new dpa no blood card.
part of the letter reads as follows:.
as a reminder, you should provide copies of your completed advance decision document to (1) those who served as witnesses, (2) your general practitioner (doctor), and (3) your congregation secretary.
I wrote on Atlantis' thread that I was very concerned with the introduction of a new directive which has nothing to do with blood - it is this statement that is now on the directive
4. Regarding end-of-life matters: [initial one of the two choices] (a) I do not want my life to be prolonged if, to a reasonable degree of medical certainty, my situation is hopeless. (b) I want my life to be prolonged as long as possible within the limits of generally accepted medical standards, even if this means that I might be kept alive on machines for years.
My suggestion is that you could point out the problems with including this and that you don't understand why there are only two options and both those are very limited in detail and could lead to undesired consequences. Say that there isn't enough space on the directive to include your personal wishes and you are rewriting it. If you are later asked for a copy of your written form then say that it is personal and since it is different to the official form you see no reason why it should be put on the Congregations file.
If pushed even further, you could ask why it needs to go on the file. Then inform him that you have all basis covered and it's going OTT to have it on that file as well.
Another way to handle it is to treat it very lightly, laugh the matter off, tell the Brother that you've already taken reasonable steps to handle the matter and it's silly to deal with the whole thing by taking it to extremes (putting it on the congregation file). You are looking at this in a reasonable manner and your attitude is that you don't live your life with unfounded worry. -
2016--Medical Documents & BOE!
by Atlantis in2016 medical documents!..
re: simplified advance decision document.
This is extremely worrying
4. Regarding end-of-life matters: [initial one of the two choices] (a) I do not want my life to be prolonged if, to a reasonable degree of medical certainty, my situation is hopeless. (b) I want my life to be prolonged as long as possible within the limits of generally accepted medical standards, even if this means that I might be kept alive on machines for years.
It appears that this statement is new and has wider implications than just blood. This is not the business of the organization to oversee and they are stepping way beyond bible commands and interpretations.
They've already provided a blank section for the individual to add to the directive, so why have they put this statement in, providing the option of only 1 of 2 statements, worded by the org. and way too simplified?
It actually borders on being sinister. They are influencing the individual to choose option 1 as option 2 means that the individual would also be accepting of being kept alive on machines for years. I doubt many people would want that.
With the likelihood of most signing Option 1, I wonder what they are really agreeing to? I do not want my life to be prolonged if, to a reasonable degree of medical certainty, my situation is hopeless. Who determines whether the individuals situation is hopeless and what does hopeless even mean? And when does an individuals situation become hopeless?
There are numerous situations where a person could be left to die by withholding medical aid that makes this a terrible thing to agree to.
For instance, a person may need resuscitation and without applying any of the various methods normally used, the individual would die. When the person is unconscious his situation is hopeless, but in order to prolong his life, resuscitation is applied.
A person may be bleeding to death and his situation is hopeless unless he has medical aid to stop the flow of blood and by doing so his life is prolonged.
What is a Doctor supposed to make of this statement when he first sees the patient? He would realize that without his intervention the individuals situation is hopeless and only by that intervention can he prolong the patients life but if he reads the card, the individual has taken away his authority for the Doctor to intervene.
Hopeless can be defined a number of ways, here is a simple definition of the word: having or feeling no hope
: unable to be changed
: unable to be helped or improved : very bad
A patient may be in a coma and injured his neck. It is unlikely that he will ever walk again, in this aspect his situation is hopeless. The medical team may have no option if they followed the very loose wording in the directive, to turn off the patients machines.
That statement does not even qualify that the situation of hopelessness must be in relation to the prospect of life. It also doesn't qualify anything about the length and quality of that life.
I can see hospitals using this clause to avoid legal repercussions when the care of the patient has gone wrong. There will be cases also that by adhering strictly to the wording of this request that there will be individuals who are not given medical support that would have given them a better outcome.
I am so puzzled as to why the organization is getting itself involved in this.
Apostles of Denial (1970) -- PDF!
by cabasilas ininformation on how to download the book apostles of denial (1970) by edmond c. gruss will be given at the end of this post.
before this, however, id like to present this introduction:.
apostles of denial a personal recollection and a tribute.
This looks like a very interesting book and was written in 1970.
The above link from Cabasilas still works.
Breaking news - from reliable insider source - GB member Sanderson to wed
by sir82 innot only that, but apparently it is to a transgender female.. new light wt article regarding "born that way" transgenders as a "conscience matter" to be released in the august 15 wt.. more details here..
Okay I clicked on the link but in my defense, I didn't think you had it in you Sir82. -
JW TV - Britain Branch Report
by Listener inalthough it is titled as "britain branch report" it's not much of a report.
it only goes for just over 6 minutes and half of it is some 'wild talk' about romeo and juliette, i say wild talk because it has nothing to do with the british branch and if there was any point to it, it's lost on me.. anyway, about the only thing said that is of any importance was this (at the 2.20 mark) -.
"the governing body, very kindly, have given us permission to continue construction once we have reviewed the scope of the building so we hope to be underway very soon".
I had to check that out TheOldHippie, it felt like half the video as the story was way more riveting than any of the other stuff.
This Romeo (alias Luigi) is a constant feature working in the underground, performing his duties in the early morning. In fact he is so popular that he has many route (spelling??) calls that collect their magazines. One young lady, who he was attempting to become more familiar with was so impressed by him that she had the florist deliver a bunch of flowers to him, attached with a very romantic note.
I can't wait for the next installment on that story. -
I cannot be disliked
by Late Bloomer ini was reading the thread "problem with likes/dislikes" and i don't understand the issue.
if you don't want your posts disliked, all you do go to your profile and uncheck the box next to the option that says "allow my posts to be rated.
" unfortunately this removes the options to have your posts liked as well but it's fair when you think about it.
I was thinking that maybe you really are a late bloomer but since you put this under jokes and humour I changed my mind.
Ignorance is bliss and even if we can see the dislikes, we can pretend not to. -
Problem with the Like and Dislike Buttons
by Listener inthere is a problem with the like and dislike buttons.
depending on what source you are using it is easy to vote more than once on the like or dislike.. i noticed this initially on my tablet touchscreen.
if i tap quickly & continuously click on the like/dislike button, it will register as multiple votes, the same happens on my laptop when i do the same thing with my mouse but this method doesn't register as many is only a matter of time for others to pick up on this and there may be some who are already aware of this.
When did I click on dislike to one of your comments Brandnew?
It's taken me a while to get into this like and dislike thingy but this thread has been helpful in deciding how much I want to use it and particularly this comment from Secret Slave Class -Incidentally I don't down vote anymore unless by accident while intending to hit "like". I simply decided I'd rather just be positive and like rather than negative and dislike.
It's not about being bored but probably about laziness. I have gotten into the habit of reading an opening post and liking it if it's good just to let the poster know it is being read and interesting rather than commenting about it. Lately I've been using the dislike button more with posts that I don't agree with but rather than doing that, I'll try to put more effort in responding to such posts and give my reasons why I dislike it. Mind you, there are some posts that are so ridiculous that they don't need any response.