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Korean News : CoC in Korean
by AntiEntropy inhi bros.. after my father's publishing his book, "15 questions after 40 years of jw" , many ex-jw bros in korea became motivated to rush to the coc korean project.
however any secular project needs a fund eventhough it's a not-for-profit.
fortunately, a bunch of bros decided to donate generously $300~$7,000 to this unprofitable business.
Although it would be interesting to read the 2008 additions, they are not important. The older versions hold their own worth by tenfold. It's such a shame the book is still not readily available but is now even more difficult to access. The Watchtower must be dancing for joy whilst many of us are saddened because we know it's value in helping others. -
A question regarding district convention finances
by JeffT ini don't recall ever hearing a financial report at one of the big summer conventions.
do i have blocked memories, or are they even more secretive about money at that level than they are at the circuit events?
i'm doing a little research on the instructions for handling circuit assembly accounts and that got me curious about the bigger conventions.
There's a reasonably informative YouTube from ex JW critical thinker and he covers the convention accounts, he says they are even more secretive. -
Divisions among ex jw activists
by Truthexplorer ini just watched a youtube discussion between marc & cora and unwitness.
it was regarding their unhappiness over a few prominent individuals in the ex jw community, one individual in particular.
this individual who on the one hand produces excellent videos highlighting wt issues, yet has been known to peeve a lot of ex jw activists off.
He was kicked off this forum due to his behaviour.
I came across this interaction from him the other day on YouTube. I don't know how to link directly but aYoutuber called Tom Davison posted a video - He is not a JW and just a person who ran into some JWs and decided to record his discussion. Cedars made a criticsm of one comment he made and an interesting discussion continues from there. It's enlightening to see this side of him.
The title of the video is "I love talking to Jehovah's Witnesses".
I think there is a clue or two in there as to what the real problem is.
by sherrie11 inoh my they are televising the gilead school graduates(coff)!!!!. and krista lea heggs testimonial!
sorry guys i haven't been able to edit just their segment!if any one can edit it i would be very grateful!they are making the borg look like a current affairs type program.
They have a Sister as one of the two Broadcasting Network Presenters, speaking on spiritual matters. She addresses the audience directly without a head covering.
This may be the start of seeing a lot more from Sisters in a teaching and preaching role from the platform. -
Zone visit Australia?
by stuckinarut2 inanyone else at this zone visit?.
more higher education bashing, with an embellished "experience"...... more quoting prov 4:18 out of context.. faithful and discreet slave definitions etc..... all the new "understandings" since 2012...... .
we are already in the great tribulation...?.
What was the talk about the GT? -
Very Weird Experience During Recent Special Talk After Memorial
by Tenacious inhesitantly i attended this talk with my family and sat through it without batting an eye.. mentally i take myself out during the entire meeting some would describe this as daydreaming or zoning out.
whatever the case may be, for some reason this particular speaker, whom i know of but not personally, got my attention the way he would say certain phrases.
he cited some texts that directly advised the audience that faith in christ was the only way to salvation.
It could be that he is awake or at least, is trying to serve God in a proper way. Glad to hear that it made your attendance a little easier to endure. -
JW TV April - more mind control rubbish
by iwasblind inhi it has been a while since i posted.
sorry this is a rant.. to be honest i have been on a journey - nearly faded but i won't elaborate until i can.. i just watched april's broadcast.
since when do we have "hollywood" style movie previews?
4th Gen - I could have sworn I was looking at a Hallmark movie trailer. I have nothing against TV, but why are they spending all that cash on movie productions when they could be spending it assist the needy and infirmed? What about all those Bethelites that were booted out, without anything but a handshake? Even wordy companies give a stipend of some sort.... "Be warm and well fed" It's all about worshiping the cult. Where is the love??????
They're hoping to get more awards, even if they have to pay for them. Not only that, they couldn't possibly think of putting Caleb and Sophie out of a job. -
Would you be a GB member if you were asked ?
by atomant inoff course you need to think back to when you were a jw to answer this question honestly and properly.but hypothetically if you had the spirituality and knowledge and was approached to be appointed as a gb member would you have taken on the position?and if you did what changes would you recommend ?.
I think there would be a number of Elders who would not accept, but these are the ones that don't believe they are anointed as per the WT definition.
It takes a very delusional person to think that they have this 'special calling' above all other Christians and it is only them that could even be considered to be appointed a GB member. -
Are the Governing Baboons master manipulators or are they just doing their job?
by atomant inld love to be a fly on the wall when the gb have a round the table conference.l can only imagine .l wonder which one came up with the idea of the overlapping generation and how the others reacted to it.the light was shining brightly that day.
There is no bible backing for this idea and it is interesting to note how Splane tries to overcome this problem. In his 2015 JW Broadcasting monthly broadcast he says
Now if you were asked by someone to identify a scripture that tells us what a generation is, what scripture would you turn to? I'll give you a moment to think about that. My choice is Exodus Chapter 1 verse 6 "Joseph eventually dies and also all his brothers and all that generation"
Note that he takes it for granted that the listener accepts this new concept but then invites them to try and find a scripture themselves that backs it up. Basically what's happening here is that the concept must be accepted and a search in the scriptures is required to support it. This itself is a backwards way of thinking when you profess to use the bible as a basis of your teachings, letting the bible interpret itself. Rather what they have done is come up with the idea and manipulated what the bible is saying to fit that teaching.
Then he tells us that 'his choice' is Exodus 1:6 and proceeds to try to make it fit to the idea. He's a GB member that supposedly collaborated with the other members to come up with this interpretation (or at the very least, supported the majority vote in accepting it) and yet when it comes to supporting it with scripture, he uses a text which is his own choice.
The bottom line is, the r&f must accept the idea but they are allowed to come up with or twist any scripture of their choice to make it fit. Brilliant, especially when there is no such scripture. -
New GB video: Why Reduce the Number of Special Full-Time Servants?
by Gorbatchov inwatchtower released at a new gb video with samuel f. herd, with the theme:.
why reduce the number of special full-time servants?.
it seems there is a reason to release this special message..
Thanks for your post Tenacious and for transcribing the speech into text.
It was obvious to the governing body that we could not expect our brothers to continually increase their donations. We needed to reduce expenses.
It is obvious that they have and will continue to EXPECT the r&f to continually increase their donations, their obvious problem is that they won't.