Scully, the flock book is available publicly thanks to the Australian Royal Commission into Child Abuse. It can be accessed from that website.
JoinedPosts by Listener
7 Things Most JW's Dont Know They're Supposed To Believe
by pale.emperor ini decided to spend my sunday morning creating a youtube video highlighting 7 things most jw's dont know they're supposed to believe.
most of these i learned only after my exit of the cult.
here's hoping a few jw's will stumble upon it..
Hello from Still Totally ADD
by Still Totally ADD injust wanted everyone who knows me to know i am alive and well.
we just sold our house in pa and are about to buy a house on one acre just outside jamestown ny.
our health has been good and we both have good part time jobs.
Great to hear from you Totally Add and glad things are going well for you both.
7 Things Most JW's Dont Know They're Supposed To Believe
by pale.emperor ini decided to spend my sunday morning creating a youtube video highlighting 7 things most jw's dont know they're supposed to believe.
most of these i learned only after my exit of the cult.
here's hoping a few jw's will stumble upon it..
Great job Pale.emporer.
Hilarious Radio Standup By An Ex-Witness
by pale.emperor inguys, you gotta check this out.
she explains the whole religion in a very funny way..
Thanks for sharing, you're right, it is hilarious but with a couple of moments there that are very moving. -
by robrog8999 inhello all.... i am new here so i figured i'd make a quick post introducing myself and giving a brief intro as to who i am and what i'm here for... as well as to hopefully meet others.. so, i made a profile and in it i gave a pretty detailed explanation as to my intent here and exactly why i decided to participate in the boards.
in case you don't read it, i'll give a brief summary.
the name is robert.
Also Robo, the Bible tells us that Jesus was the creator of all things
Colossians 1:16
John 1:3
by robrog8999 inhello all.... i am new here so i figured i'd make a quick post introducing myself and giving a brief intro as to who i am and what i'm here for... as well as to hopefully meet others.. so, i made a profile and in it i gave a pretty detailed explanation as to my intent here and exactly why i decided to participate in the boards.
in case you don't read it, i'll give a brief summary.
the name is robert.
I'm along the lines with what Never a JW is saying (and I get why they are saying it ;) but the religion is so bad with their spiritual teachings and how they operate that I just can't bring myself to encourage you to do this.
As far as the Trinity goes, I wonder what you learnt and why you are completely against it. Even within the Trinity teachings there are different understandings. I gather you refer to the teaching as recognized by the JW religion which is far from the beliefs in practice that are taught by some religions.
For many, the Trinity does not mean that Jesus is God or that Jesus is even equal to God. I personally don't believe that and think it is very dishonest of the JW organization to spread the idea that this is what all believers of the Trinity think.
Why are you so against the idea? The word means a Tri Unity and this is certainly how they work together. We have God, his son Jesus and the Holy Spirit all working in unity together, all three together. God and Jesus work together as one. Both God and Jesus work by using the Holy Spirit, if that was not so then what spirit does Jesus use?
To condemn all believers of the Trinity as being false and an identifier of wrong beliefs is an injustice to other Christians.
What makes you think that there must be one true religion today and more specifically why would the Mormons or JWs be that true religion when they only came into existence in the last few centuries? Surely you could rule them out simply on that basis. They have not existed since the first century. Jesus gave the promise that he would always be with us.
Jesus told us through the parable of the Wheat and the Weeds that Christians would be scattered amongst the whole field/nations and I am surprised that you haven't seen this for yourself when you have talked to so many about their beliefs, there are many sincere people in the World who seek to follow Christ.
Jesus told us that where you find two or more gathered together in his name, there he is also.
Once baptized as a JW you will be required to believe and advocate their particular teachings confined to their religion only. Failing to do so will find you rejected from their religion. You will not be allowed to have your own thoughts on Bible teachings which differ from what they are teaching, even when your thoughts are right.
One of their most damning teachings is that of two separate groups, the anointed (little flock) and other sheep. More than 99% of their members are considered to be of the other sheep. These ones are not part of the New Covenant, are not God's children, are not part of the Body of Christ (the real Congregation), do not have the law written in their hearts, are not born again and do not have Jesus as their mediator. -
In Germany, the Watchtower logo must be removed from all kingdom halls
by processor inaccording to german april issue of our kingdom ministry, the watchtower logo must be removed from all kingdom halls:.
it sais that the watchtower logo - a stylised watchtower or a watchtower with a bible - is used by the watchtower society.
thus, it should not be used by congregations or private persons, neither on kingdom halls, stationary or anything else.
BibleExaminer - Will dubs get this letter and give more cash? I don't know. But I think the point is, this Watchtower letter looked pretty official and I know how I'd feel if my stinking' neighbors were reading all the hate pouring out of my religion at them.
I can just imagine the WTBTS getting their lawyers together to sue whoever is behind the letter. The irony is that probably the only basis they could do so would be because these activists are inciting hatred of JWs, yet it would be their own publications that were doing all the hate.
You are correct, though, there would be a number of JWs who would be ashamed to be known as a JW. -
In Germany, the Watchtower logo must be removed from all kingdom halls
by processor inaccording to german april issue of our kingdom ministry, the watchtower logo must be removed from all kingdom halls:.
it sais that the watchtower logo - a stylised watchtower or a watchtower with a bible - is used by the watchtower society.
thus, it should not be used by congregations or private persons, neither on kingdom halls, stationary or anything else.
Fantastic activism Bible Examiner. However, it could just as easily backfire and have many JWs sending in more money and Gold, they are that blindsighted. They'll think that the GB has written personally to them, asking for help and it can only mean this is another sign that the big A is imminent.
Quoting the best of the best from their literature is always pure magic. I don't know if their logo is trade marked yet so it might be possible to use it without legal ramification. The other jewel is that it is possible to sign off any letters in a similar fashion to them because (lol) no-one actually signs them.
LEAKED Talk - Depression Is A Part Of This Life
by pale.emperor inanother leak from my collection of talks that i was ordered not to share.
an elder gave me a ton of talks from bethel and special assembleys to put on his ipod.
of course i copied them to my computer and will share them for all of us.. depression is a part of this life by brother nathan fuel.. this talk also touches on the subject of family members being disfellowshipped, feel depressed?
They want to give the message that depression is not caused by being in their 'spiritual paradise and when it is it's not their fault, it is somebody else's, such as the disfellowshipped person.
Today's Text: Reject Apostacy!
by Divergent inmonday, october 10. renounce unrighteousness.—2 tim.
2:19.. god’s word gives specific advice concerning the types of unrighteousness that christians must renounce or reject.
for instance, in the immediate context of 2 timothy 2:19, we find that paul tells timothy “not to fight about words” and to “reject empty speeches.” (2 tim.
Interesting that they quote various verses in 2 Timothy 2 but don't mention verse 18 which states that the false teachers are claiming that the resurrection has already taken place.