They demand that their followers accept their doctrines as truth, knowing that they are not always right. By doing so they are demanding that men follow their ideas contrary to the Bible's admonition.
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"The G.B. is neither inspired nor infallible"
by smiddy inthat admission in the feb.17 ,study edition of the watchtower , " who is leading gods people today ?
" "the governing body is neither inspired, nor infallible, therefore it (they/we) can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction .".
have the many jehovahs witnesses past and present who have lost their lives by refusing blood transfusions due to the prohibition on blood tranfusions by jehovahs witnesses really got the sense of this statement ?.
WTBTS "Anointed" Resurrection Fallacy
by The Searcher inbased on the following statements of the wtbts, the first resurrection began in 1918, is ongoing, and ceases when the living anointed are taken to heaven - just before armageddon..
(w88 10/15 p. 12 par.
13) "....according to all the evidence, those of the anointed who had already died faithful began to be resurrected to their promised place in the heavenly sanctuary starting in 1918.".
w07 1/1 When does the first resurrection occur? There is strong evidence that it is now under way.
They may decide that the first resurrection hasn't begun.w7612/15 To those who are doers of God’s will on earth to the end, his promise will be fulfilled. The “dragon’s” all-out efforts to keep the remnant from gaining entrance into the heavenly kingdom are doomed to failure. Revelation 20:4-6 assures us that these doers of God’s will who are yet needed to complete the full membership of 144,000 Kingdom joint heirs will endure in faithfulness to the death, that they may know the happiness of having a part in “the first resurrection.” God’s Messianic kingdom will not be lacking even one of its foreordained number of Christ’s joint heirs.
This seems to indicate that they believe these scriptures are referring to the remnant, not all of the 144,000. As to why, they do not say. -
So I just watched Jackson's ARC interview...
by schnell inthank you, everybody here, for introducing me to this.
no, no i had not heard of this.
child abuse issues have been roundly dismissed as apostate attacks in the congregations i've attended in the last decade.
Great observations Schnell.
Even the background to his appearance is appalling. The Branch coordinator tried to play down his role and the had their lawyer blindsight the Commission. Fortunately, there were a number of ex JWs able to communicate with the Commission whilst it was in progress and inform them of the true situation. The Commission initially took the word of the JWs and were not going to call Jackson up but when they understood his role, they decided his testimony could be beneficial.
This is partly the reason why Jackson downplayed his role as a GB member.
Then there is the Case where G. Losch was subpoened to appear in a Child Abuse Case. He refused to appear and lodged a Declaration which included this statementI do not answer to Watchtower. .... Watchtower does not have, and never has had, any authority over me." - Gerrit Lösch in a signed Declaration submitted to the Superior Court of the State of California, County of San Diego, dated February 4th, 2014
The whole Declaration can be found here - -
Another Outright Lie Published 2/17 WT
by LostGeneration inthis info is from the article "who is leading god's people today" feb 17 study edition.. to help them disseminate bible truth in various languages, zion’s watch tower tract society was legally incorporated in 1884, with brother russell as president.
* he was an outstanding student of the bible, and he fearlessly exposed as false such doctrines as the trinity and the immortality of the soul.
he discerned that christ would return invisibly and that “the appointed times of the nations” would end in 1914.. pretty sickening article overall about how badass the gb is, though this little gem is printed as well, paragraph 12. the governing body is neither inspired nor infallible.
They love to use the excuse that they are neither inspired or infallible for their false teachings and according to them, we can't even blame them for when they do promote false teachings
reflect on the list of beliefs clarified that was referred to in the preceding paragraph. Surely, no human deserves credit for discovering and explaining these “deep things of God”!
They also make this claim” If those of the Governing Body allow God’s Word rather than popular opinion to guide their decisions, who is really leading God’s people today?
This wasn't the case with Jackson's testimony at the RC, particularly about being God's Channel and corporal punishment of children.
Also, haven't they repeatedly used the excuse regarding their handling of child abuse been because the general opinion about such abuse was not recognized as being such a serious problem in past decades. Had they stuck to advise given in the Bible they would not be in the position they are today. -
Great new video! A MUST watch for all...
by stuckinarut2 injwfacts has uploaded a new video on his youtube channel that is a must watch for all!.
thanks paul.
Thanks, I didn't know he had a Youtube Chanel, I've just subscribed. He's a good speaker as well as a good writer.
November 1, 2016 TO ALL BODIES OF ELDERS Re: Using and Maintaining Kingdom Halls
by wifibandit innovember 1, 2016 to all bodies of elders re: using and maintaining kingdom halls.
table of contents.
Konceptual99 It looks that way, they will have to tell her not to give the password to you in order for them to obey the org's policy which states or they will tell you not to ask for it from anyone.
If it is determined that a publisher should no longer have access to the Internet at the Kingdom Hall, the elders should change the password. The publisher should not be allowed access until the elders are convinced that the individual has rectified his conduct.
The problem is that by enforcing this law they are potentially placing females at odds with their husbands, their head. An obedient male JW not in good standing would not ask for it. However, the password is only to be given to publishers in good standing so there will be some non JW marriage partners that will find this just another ridiculous rule.
They've just introduced a new form of discipline. This discipline means that they will be ostracizing not only disfellowshipped ones but also those who have been mildly disciplined.
The password has to be given out individually rather than making a general announcement. They are going to look even more stupid to members of the public who attend a meeting. Imagine a Brother going around to everyone and virtually whispering a password to them or writing it on a piece of paper and handing it to them. It is a cult after all. -
Summer Regional Convention
by miss.ives01 inhas anyone attended the sunday program of the summer regional convention, remain loyal to jehovah?.
i have been very concerned about the tone of discussion surrounding sundays program.
i went to friday and sat., not sunday.
Putting fear into their followers is something the organisation has mastered. They need to continually find new ways of making the end appear imminent and this is their latest tactic.
The view that they will not 'let in' those who are spiritually week/not deserving is new to me. There was a discussion in the basement bunker about a Bro. called Kevin who was weak but it sounded like he would have been permitted in had he knocked. Also, this means that Elders would become judges whereas they have always taught that this judgement would come from heaven.
As to plans for the future, they've recently announced the building of the Bethel in England which they expect to be completed by 2020 or thereabouts.
It was never, ever, a warning work, was it?
by jambon1 inmost witnesses i knew were exteeemly reluctant to go out in the ministry.
but when they did, they were simply scraping by, eager to avoid conflict and just do their hour or so speaking to lonely old ladies or widowed old men.
placing magazines in a car group, doing route calls, plodding along in the utter boredom of their responsibility to get some time on a report by the last day of the month.. this was never a warning work.
If you become a pioneer you get to go to pioneer school, you may even get to go to Gillead or couples training. Yet if they were sincere, the information provided at these schools would be available to every JW, it's not like they didn't have the capabilities to put it in print.
Where Can One Get Answers To Questions From JWs?
by Cold Steel inthere's also a fellow who calls himself the "watchman," but he seems as critical as many of the so-called "apostates.
" is there a place where one can ask questions from knowledgeable believers or "a" believer?
i really don't want to take the bible lessons.
Cold Steel - I really don't want to take the Bible Lessons. I'm just interested in an occasional answer to a question by someone who knows what they're talking about and can add some discussion.
You can call your local Kingdom Hall and ask for a knowledgeable person to visit, be upfront and tell them what you are looking for. They might be prepared to visit once or twice, it depends how you handle it. You can tell them that you don't want to study their publications, you're just interested in researching straight from the bible.
You could also write to Bethel with your questions, they will likely pass on your queries to the local congregation for them to deal with. -
Your feelings for the former travelling overseers
by Hecce induring our wt life we met a good number of friends involved in the circuit and district work.
i am sure that we share the same experience and that we remember fondly some that we caring, loving and generally interested in the brothers.
at the same time we might remember others that were arrogant, selfish, abusive and oppressive.
When I as about 17 the CO partnered up with me in the field service for the first time. It lasted for about 15 minutes and he was asking what plans I had for the future, naturally he encouraged me to go pioneering. I was not impressed for two reasons.
The first being that he bothered to talk to me, not out of personal interest but to push the orgs. agenda. Secondly, it was depressing. I had been given no encouragement or direction from my father to do anything constructive with my future by way of education or employment, so when the CO was discussing it with me I felt trapped. I can understand the frustration of young ones.