next study article is headed “The Judge of All the Earth” Always Does What Is
Right, however it has little to do with God’s judging.
The article discusses injustices occurring within the congregation and how
faithful servants are not surprised or stumbled
when injustices occur and should wait on Jehovah rather than take matters into
their own hands.
This advice is given
prayerful reliance on Jehovah, combined with loyalty, will prevent us from ever becoming “enraged against Jehovah.”—... he should be careful not to engage in harmful gossip. Of course, it is entirely proper to seek assistance from the elders and to inform them if a member of the congregation is guilty of a serious wrong. (Lev. 5:1) However, in many cases that do not involve serious wrongdoing, it may be possible to resolve a difference without involving anyone else, not even the elders. (Read Matthew 5:23, 24; 18:15.)
Note that they use a scripture that only applied to the Israelites in support of their idea that JWs should inform on those who have committed serious sins.
In the closing paragraphs we find that we are likely to blame for percieved injustices.
At the same time, we modestly acknowledge that we likely do not have all the facts. We are keenly aware that the fault may lie in our imperfect view of matters.
The next article deals in the situation where elders are at fault for injustices. These injustices include major problems such as the wrongful disfellowshipping of a husband/wife/son/daughter/close friend. The solution is to demonstrate humility.
First, humility will move us to acknowledge that we do not have all the facts. No matter how much we know of a situation, only Jehovah can read a person’s figurative heart. (1 Sam. 16:7) Our awareness of this undeniable truth will prompt us to be humble, to recognize our limitations, and to adjust our view of the matter. Second, humility will help us to be submissive and patient as we wait on Jehovah to correct any true injustice. It is as the wise man wrote: “It will turn out well for those who fear the true God . . . , but it will not turn out well for the wicked one, nor will he prolong his days.” (Eccl. 8:12, 13) Certainly, a humble response is in the best spiritual interests of all concerned.—Read 1 Peter 5:5.
Also forgiving the Elder is another solution. There is virtually no arrangements for family to discuss with Elders the reasons for their decisions and facts of the case.
If a brother who sins against you continues to serve as an elder or even receives additional privileges, will you rejoice with him? Your willingness to forgive may well reflect Jehovah’s view of justice.—Read Matthew 6:14, 15.Basically servants are told to shut up and accept the abuse no matter how long it lasts.