JoinedPosts by Listener
Did they use to applaud after reinstatement after being Disfellowshipped, but then it stopped?
by ThomasCovenant ini don't remember disfellowshippings happening very often and announcements about being re instated but i think i remember that we used to clap hands if someone came back after being disfellowshipped.
but then i think clapping wasn't allowed.
am i correct in my recollections?.
CO'S "encouraging" letter to circuit
by nowwhat? inthe point of the letter was how many are feeling disappointed these days.. no circuit assembly, convention, how we can't fellowship at the k.h.
disappointed we might have had a love one die, etc etc.
he then goes on to write about how disappointed jehovah must have felt when his first human creation rebelled.
Emergency COVID Ration Spam Fritters
by Simon inso as things are now opening up and food never ran out, i've been dipping into our emergency supplies.
they say that spam doesn't have a shelf-life, it has a half-life, but i kind of wanted to see if it was like i remembered as a kid.. as it turns out spam fritters are as delicious as i remember, probably better ('cause i did fancy ones).
i used this recipe and they were glorious.
I agree with you, girl next door, tinned Salmon is fantastic. It doesn't have that dry coarse texture of tinned Tuna and has a better flavour. The price has gone up significantly in the past year but Tuna remains cheap.
Smoked muscles and oysters are delicious and make for a good snack on crackers but most of the canned produce comes out of China.
I've got a can of Mackerel in the pantry and can't bring myself to open it.
Out of all the canned foods on the Supermarket shelves during the shortages, only Spam was always available and even being discounted.
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How many of you would actually believe a child abuser would let his crime be watched by minimum two witnesses?
by Thinkforyourself inin many closed religious cults, sects or globally widely spread religions, sexual abuse on big scale is revealed and covered up by the religious authorities.
in the jw, the culture is to deal with these matters within the org itself, and the rule is, "no crime can be proven without the presentation of at least two witnesses".
men made the rules, men commit these crimes and men defend them and even forse these children to meet and talk to their abusers.
They call themselves Jehovah's Witnesses but they have never physically seen or witnessed Jehovah. They claim, as God's only chosen ones, to have borne witness to the coming of Christ in 1914, yet that was invisible.
They choose to interpret scripture, even words (like 'witness') any way they want.
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Is it me or is John Cedars channel becoming a self important circle fest
by phoenixrising ini still like the commentary on the monthly’s, i can skip through some parts.
but it seems like he is pushing too hard to put out videos and the quality is getting very low on the content..
Very funny Dozy but his Patreon 'Greece' level sounds so enticing. In his words $10 a month will give me
"Receive all the previous rewards, including: a link to participate in the recording of the monthly Patreon livestream, in which I will respond to your comments and questions live! Once it's over, the livestream video will be available exclusively for patrons."
Oh, the privelages, ready and waiting for me from JC himself, what a wonderful blessing! It feels and even looks very familiar.
Is it me or is John Cedars channel becoming a self important circle fest
by phoenixrising ini still like the commentary on the monthly’s, i can skip through some parts.
but it seems like he is pushing too hard to put out videos and the quality is getting very low on the content..
Someone mentioned on this thread that Cedars is against aggressive activism. That's 'aggressive activism' as he terms it. He's even written an article speaking out against it and was prepared to do so even though he would receive a lot of flak from it. Was his stance simply to stand out and draw more attention to himself?
He was making some sort of 'big deal' video last year, even travelling to Australia and America to film parts for it. I don't know what's happened to it but it wouldn't surprise me if he was still trying to figure out ways of making money from it, maybe even trying to flog it off to a big network, but sorry, I'm getting sidetracked.
Whilst in America he went to Watchtower headquarters in Warwick. He has a clip where he is filming for this super do per movie. He is on a little boat in front of the HQs filming himself holding up a protest sign and expects he is being watched. He excuses himself for this 'aggressive activism' with some nonsense but it's clear that he was staging this for his special movie.
Is this guy sincere? I don't think so.
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Cape Town JW's and Ex JW's
by Darkshadow2020 inhi guys,.
i just signed up to the forum today.
i left the organisation over a year ago and have been sharing my experiences and shedding light on jw's on a religious forum.
My Mom died last week.
by Still Totally ADD inlast wednesday my elder brother called me to let me know mom had died.
she was 97 years old and was in a nursing home for the last 7 years.
her mind had left her many years ago to the point she didn't recognize any of us.
Cape Town JW's and Ex JW's
by Darkshadow2020 inhi guys,.
i just signed up to the forum today.
i left the organisation over a year ago and have been sharing my experiences and shedding light on jw's on a religious forum.
I live in Perth, Western Australia. It's a nice place, the climate is good. We get very little rain in the summer so it looks dry for half of the year. It's very warm in summer and cool in Winter but not cold enough to snow. Who knows if that will change with climate change. Each winter, some areas around the city get hail stones as big as golf balls.
We just had a storm come through a couple of days ago. It knocked down our side fence which is made of asbestos so we are trying to arrange for contractors to rectify the problem. They are all very busy at the moment. Our son had the same thing happen on his rental property.
Bleecker Street — I saw a shadow touch a shadow’s hand (New York)
by slimboyfat inwill i ever make it to new york?
i feel if i ever did make it to new york i would never want to leave again.
what do i know about new york?
I was lucky enough to visit in the early 80's for a weekend. We stayed at the Taft Hotel, one of the modestly priced Hotels at the time. It is now mostly residential and includes a five star Hotel call The Michelangelo. The Taft Hotel was used in the film 'The Graduate' in which the leading couple had a rendezvous. Funnily enough, the movie made famous another of Simon & Farfunkel's 'Mrs Robinson'.
I was awestruck by the City, it was really overwhelming. I'll never forget talking to a young lady on a train about New York and expressing how lucky she was to live there. She said it was awful and once you moved to New York it was impossible to leave, at least that was her experience.
I finally appreciated what a 'concrete jungle' was. As far as your eye could see there were buildings, tall buildings only restricted by the water and Central Park.
We had a young couple from Bethel show us around which my father had organized as we knew the Sister who had been in our Congregation in Australia for a number of years before she moved, with her family to America.
The Bethel couple suggested we choose between going to the Twin Towers or the Empire State Building as they were expensive to tour. It was a very hard choice as I really wanted to go up the iconic Empire State Building. We decided on the Twin Towers and because we were on a very tight budget, we kept the tickets and tour pamphlet as souvenirs. Last year they were selling for around $80 USD which makes for a good souvenir, who would have guessed.
My husband and I travelled to London about five years ago and I consider them to be two very different cities. London/England has so much history that New York doesn't have and of course, will never have. One thing that surprised me when I visited London was the appreciation for its rich history and distinct lack of commercialisation. They aren't in the habit of pulling down old buildings and plastering advertisements everywhere you turn. Although we never travelled into the business district.