Newly Enlightened/Kim, there are a few points to clarify about your comments on your Youtube Channel. I can assure you that I am not a Watchtower Troll, my posts here over years would demonstrate that is not the case. As for being a 'hater', it's a nasty suggestion, but what exactly am I or others hating? If it's hating you then you will find over the years I have defended you and Mike on many occasions and put down your mistakes as being human error or over enthusiasm. If it's hating misrepresentations then you would be right.
As for 'threatening' to contact Julie at Watchtower Properties Co., I made no such threat. I told you that I was intending on doing it so as to give you the opportunity of ether retracting your claim, proving it or removing the private conversation between Smurfgirl and Julie. Remember, you are the one that publicly made these claims (that they were associated with the WBTS) and the (edited) conversation without her or the private business without them being aware of it. Surely they have a right to know it was there on your Youtube, you posted your information publicly, were you hoping that it would be hidden or unknown to them?
There were no filing of complaints other than the one that Smurfgirl received from Youtube by (I assume) Julie or someone else from Watchtower Property Co. to Youtube which resulted in Youtube taking her video down. She/they had every right to do so given the publishing of her private conversation. Since that was just one complaint, what are these other complaints that you are talking about?
You're most extraordinary claim is that someone threatened you that they would contact Julie from Watchtower Properties and tell her to file a lawsuit against you to sue you for libel. Where on earth was such a claim made?
If your video was so right why did you remove it at all?