Diogenesister - Remember JW fairy tale? Another guy who gave up because of LE. He made this video 6 years ago....now I'm really confused...
As an aside, it's amazing that Tom (JW fairy tale) said in 2017 that he was just giving a heads up to the listeners, five years before it would come out, that it looked like JC was a pedo.
Tom was pretty heavy with this suggestion . So much so, that his mates asked him to tone it down a little bit (not the volume but the way he was wording his suggestion). As part of the Vast Appostate Army, they didn't want to be sued by LE and he said he would be doing just that. He never did though.
Tom was on another VAA video where he presented as much information as he could that led him to personally think that it wasn't unbelievable that LE was involved with a 14y/old. With all the ranting and raving from LE, I never saw him answer the question as to how old was the youngest girl that he had sexted.
The VAA knew about Marko and his claim at that time. I think they were directed to a Facebook post by someone claiming to be Marko (related to DE). VAA tried to do some research on this Marko and I don't know how far they got with that and how much Kim & Mike were involved or even whether it was them that directed the guys at the VAA about the Facebook post. I don't think the VAA had sufficient evidence to prove the accusation as being credible.
Within a short time, Marko deleted his Facebook account which I think had only existed for a couple of years and was extremely sparse.
If you listen to that video with Tom speaking in 2017 a huge problem becomes apparent.
There are now two different stories about what Marko claims LE did.
In 2017 it was a case of him jacking off to a 14 year old in his congregation through cybersexting and his wife caught him out through his phone.
This Marko now claims (through providing a chat transcript) that LE met a 14 y/'old girl on a dating site and met her in a car park.
They are two very different accusations and doesn't make Marko look credible.
Now Marko has disappeared from social media once again.
If I was in contact with Marko I would want to know why there is this whopping discrepency.