JW Leaks I understood it was in regards to child sexual abuse but I didn't expect the line to be drawn for victims 17 and under, I thought it would have been younger than that, under 16 years of age to coincide with the age of consent. But it appears that the age is different when it comes to criminal activity.
JoinedPosts by Listener
A special video has been released to assist people who have experienced child sexual abuse within the Jehovah's Witnesses in Australia
by jwleaks inarticle.
Watchtower May 2024 Who is being referred to as 'we'?
by Listener inthis is the magazine that presents some of the 'new light' from the oct. 2023 annual meeting.
it discusses some of the things they have now decided they don't know and revised some of the things they do know, or think they know.
when they start discussing some of the things they do know, most of them are still guesses and they use qualifiers.
This is the magazine that presents some of the 'new light' from the Oct. 2023 Annual Meeting. It discusses some of the things they have now decided they don't know and revised some of the things they do know, or think they know.
When they start discussing some of the things they do know, most of them are still guesses and they use qualifiers. So it often boils down to the fact that they do know something that may be a possibility.
For instance, here are some comments found under the title 'What we do know'
Rather, it seems that Jesus meant what he said...
So it seems that there may be ...
he suggested that there was hope for at least some of them. It seems that ...
it is possible that ..
it is possible...
If a similar development should occur...
It is also reasonable to conclude...
Perhaps some of these ...As a general comment regarding a bible verse they write
But Jesus’ comment about the people of Sodom and Gomorrah could well be literal, so it is not hyperbole
They are all over the place in what they write.
It is no wonder they are getting more confusing when they write a paragraph like this
2. Jehovah continues to help us to have a clearer understanding of the major events that lie just ahead. (Prov. 4:18; Dan. 2:28) We can be certain that by the time the great tribulation starts, we will know all we need to know in order to endure faithfully and even prosper during that challenging period. However, we must recognize that there are some things that we just do not know about the near future. In this article, we will first discuss why we have reconsidered what we have said about some of those events. Then we will review some of the things that we do know about the future and the way that our heavenly Father will act.
They have used the word 'we' a total of ten times in this paragraph. Sometimes the 'we' refers to the Governing Body/FDS and other times it refers to all JWs. However, they don't even attempt to clarify who they are referring to in each instance. In fact, they do the same thing throughout the whole of the Watchtower.
A special video has been released to assist people who have experienced child sexual abuse within the Jehovah's Witnesses in Australia
by jwleaks inarticle.
I never realised that the Redress Scheme applied to abuse victims who were under 18 years of age.
However, it only applies to victims who were under JW institutional care, custody, supervision, control or authority. Examples given are Kingdom Halls- cleaning, meetings, hall maintenance. At a formal congregation bookstudy meeting held in a private home, receiving assistance under the child witnesses mentoring programs for fatherless boys or spiritual orphans, building construction activities, child minding services, volunteering at conventions, as a student enrolled in the theocratic ministry school, field service whilst in the care of another congregant and a few others.
This is going to limit the amount of claims drastically if most of the abuse has been by other JWs, including Elders/MS's who committed the abuse outside JW settings (such as in private homes, cars, parks etc.)
Redsetter, I am not saying it doesn't sound like a Watchtower document, I just find it interesting how the attribute the decision making.
How do JWs know that less than 150,000 Christians existed before the 20th Century?
by Vanderhoven7 inaccording to watchtower, only anointed christians existed between the first and 20th centuries.
the great crowd of other sheep only began forming after the 20th century started.. how do they support this conclusion?
They only presume to know because they assume that the 144,000 mentioned in Revelation is both a literal number and is the amount of anointed since 33CE.
The other problem is that they got rid of their teaching that there was a second class of Christians bound for heaven and this class was only identified around 1935 as staying on earth and use the feelings of some JWs who at the time, felt they had an earthly hope.
Revelation it's grand climax Chapter 20 states
Worldly commentators have interpreted this great crowd to be fleshly non-Jews converted to Christianity or to be heaven-bound Christian martyrs. Even the Bible Students in the past regarded them as a secondary heavenly class, as noted in 1886 in Volume I of Studies in the Scriptures, The Divine Plan of the Ages: “They lose the prize of the throne and the divine nature, but will finally reach birth as spirit beings of an order lower than the divine nature. Though these are truly consecrated, they are overcome by the worldly spirit to such an extent that they fail to render their lives in sacrifice.” And as late as 1930, the thought was expressed in Light, Book One: “Those who make up this great crowd fail to respond to the invitation to become the zealous witnesses for the Lord.” They were described as a self-righteous group that had a knowledge of the truth but did little about preaching it. They were to get to heaven as a secondary class that would not share in reigning with Christ.
Prior to the mid 1930s, from what I can gather, their teaching had been that their were two classes of Christians going to heaven. One being the 144,000 who qualified by their preaching work and a lower, second class. The rest of mankind were going to be resurrected to earth.
By ridding themselves of this second, Christian, heavenly class meant that all Christians prior to 1935 were going to heaven.
Wiki gives a bit of information as to some of the older teachings. I've tried to extract the relevant information from the article.
1877 Book published in which Russell's concept of "restitution" — that all humankind since Adam would be resurrected to the earth and given the opportunity for eternal perfect human life.
Russell advertised for 1,000 preachers in 1881,[44] and encouraged all who were members of "the body of Christ" to go forth as "colporteurs" or evangelizers and preach to their neighbors in order to gather the remainder of the "little flock" of saints before they were called to heaven.
By 1904, Russell's doctrinal development was almost complete. His sixth and final part of "Studies in the Scriptures", The New Creation, established that Revelation 7 spoke of two heavenly classes of Christians — 144,000 who would serve as a royal priesthood with Christ and a Great Company who would be brought to perfection on a lesser plane, similar to that of angels, serving the 144,000.[
The earthly part of God's kingdom would be administered from Jerusalem in a re-established nation of Israel and under the control of the resurrected ancient Jewish prophets. All of mankind would over time be resurrected to earth in reverse order of death, Adam and Eve being the last, ..
n 1928 Russell's teaching that the natural Jews would be restored to Palestine and hold a prominent place in the earthly part of God's kingdom was dropped..
In 1935 a new interpretation of the "great company" of Revelation 7 placed them on earth as survivors of Armageddon rather than in heaven[156] and from that point converts to the movement were generally identified as those who, if worthy, would qualify for life on a paradise earth. -
More worship of men and framing as means of conveying pedagogy
by mortimer inin the latest study article 51: enjoy a hope without disappointment, we're treated with a paragraph describing the previous president of the watchtower, frederick franz, as an example of a 'brother' who cherishes the hope of his heavenly appointment.
we are further treated with a picture of this man meant certainly to evoke a sense of reverence for him (and by extension the organizations' leadership).
the watchtower is very purposeful in how it frames any point it makes in its published work.
Anointed Christians cherish that hope. One of them, Brother Frederick Franz, said from his heart: “Our hope is a sure thing, and it will be fulfilled fully to every last one of the 144,000 members of the little flock to a degree beyond what we have even imagined.” After serving God faithfully for decades, in 1991 Brother Franz affirmed: “[We] have not lost our sense of value of that hope. . . . We are appreciating it all the more the longer we have to wait for it. It is something worth waiting for, even if it required a million years. I evaluate our hope more highly than ever before.”
He was 98 at the time he spoke those words. He believed he was going to heaven in a very, very short time. It's no wonder he was excited and his expectations were even greater than before. As for most other JWs, their expectations of living through to a paradise earth were slowly disintegrating or being revised.
The wording of the persons that are responsible for the change is very long winded, if not confusing.
What they are saying is that one Committee, headed by some of the Governing Body members has approved the request made by another Committee headed by some members of the Governing Body.
This means that neither their FDS or Governing Body, as a whole, made this decision.
Lloyd Evans Patreoff Pool March 2024
by DerekMoors infor those still interested in lloyd's fall from grace, i made up a chart of my own.
april 2023 is when he put out his "things are bad" tin cup begging video, and he got a small surge to 592 on the 13th of that month.
i'm also using his all-time peak of 897 from november 2022.. for march, we're gonna say a modest -15, putting him at 352. i'm also curious as to when he might hit 300 and then 200. if he keeps up with an average of -20 every month, he'll be at less than 190 before the end of this year.. happy guessing everyone..
JW Leaks/Steven Unthank - Having observed this pool, and other Lloyd-related matters for some time, and taking into consideration his attacks and defamation of me for no legitimate reason whatsoever
He sure did get stuck into you -
As much as I hate to say it, the Jehovah’s Witness leadership is at least partially right when it accuses former members of being lying and deceitful. For my part, I do my very best to make sure all information I share with my viewers and readers is factual and truthful. I also surround myself with like-minded activists here at JW Watch and elsewhere who share my passion for exposing Jehovah’s Witnesses in an honest and responsible way.
But throughout my years of activism I have been wary of individuals who do not care much about facts and seem to thrive on engineered drama and sensationalism. When this has the effect of dissuading doubting Jehovah’s Witnesses from reviewing “apostate” information it is bad enough. But in this case I am seeing something far worse. I am seeing horrific and traumatizing childhood abuse exacerbated through needlessly shattered hopes and expectations. I am seeing abuse survivors who have already been through unimaginable ordeals being manipulated into joining an outrage army; stirred up by invented problems to mobilize against foes who are, in reality, allies.
Really, the things he accused you of are despicable, when you've stood in the background for years and have the victims interests at heart.What was his real motives? The most apparent one is for self promotion as he compares himself as being so much better and having victims, those working for him and other potential cult followers, look to him as a source of fact and truth.
Not only that, but he can't have any competition. It hadn't been long before this that Steven became a little more public, giving interviews on Youtube. He even spoke about an award he received from an Australian State leader in 2020. I'm sure that must have posed such a threat. But I think there were other reasons for this attack from Lloyd and possibly had something to do with the privacy of one of the ARC victims.
Comedian Katt Williams Wrongly Disfellowshipped By Jehovah's Witnesses!!!
by Golden4Altar incomedian katt williams wrongly disfellowshipped by jehovah's witnesses!!!.
here is the link: https://jehovahstruth.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=59.
golden 4altar.
Earnest - but sexual acts + lack of repentance = disfellowshipping. Case closed.
To be more precise - certain sexual acts as defined by the GB or determined as qualifying for df by at least 2 of 3 Elders plus the lack of repentance as judged by at least 2 of 3 Elders or the confession of the JW may or may not result in disfellowshipping as determined by 2 of 3 Elders, depending on the seriousness of the act/s, circumstances, number of occurances, how many are aware of the act/s, the feelings of the Elders and many other considerations.
Oh boy: 1,000 Jehovah’s Witnesses reach out to Super Bowl fans in Las Vegas
by Tahoe inhttps://www.fox5vegas.com/2024/02/09/1000-jehovahs-witnesses-reach-out-super-bowl-fans-las-vegas/ .
1000 lit-up carts at 50 strategic locations near the stadium and on the strip.
The JW lady says she is sharing 'their' message. At least they are right about that but a real Christian would say they are sharing God's/Jesus' message or the Bible message or the Gospel - not their own message.