Thanks for the clearer distinction, OUTLAW. Since I'll never be IN, I'll never directly experience the ugly downside everyone talks about. I'm ok with that. I sympathise with all you folks who do experience it, though. I wondered in another thread I started how Jehovah's Witnesses for whom the light has come on live with themselves afterward. Bringing all those people into the Watchtower before they exited themselves. Those who do live with themselves have also forgiven themselves. Oddly, some of those who have forgiven themselves withhold love and forgiveness for people who are doing exactly the same things they did, until those people see the light themselves. Those still IN need to think the same way the people who are now OUT do or they are perceived as evil. In another thread I'm following someone is quoting Matthew 7:3. It seems appropriate here, too. Oh, but how the Watchtower fucks people up, even well after they have left it.
Perhaps this subject did belong in the Adult and Heated Debate category, after all.