Yes, trailerfitter, I am atheist, but only a fairly recent arrival, so to speak. It took me a long time and a lot of research and thinking to get to where I am. As has been pointed out already, however, atheism will not be an effective position from which to turn your wife around. She is seeking answers and the Watchtower is providing them. She does not yet realise that the Watchtower will not allow her to ask her own questions or question the answers they provide her.
If you can exert an influence on the matter, delay your wife's decision to get baptised. As you will discern from reading the comments in this thread, baptism is a game changer. Ask her for a time out so that you can collect your thoughts on the dynamic that is coming between you - and make no mistake, a wedge is being driven between you and the Watchtower is about to become the third party in your marriage and in your marriage bed. It has great potential to destroy your marriage. Get hold of and read Captives of a Concept by Don Cameron. It is a quick read and does an excellent job of demolishing the Watchtower's claim as God's Organisation. Go from there, and the best of luck.