That was absolutely amazing, Shelby. Enjoyed it thoroughly.
That's not accurate, dear one. Both dear tec and I... and others... have offered that there IS evidence: His Son, for one. That you and others REFUSE to consider the evidence offered... because it is not PHYSICAL and so cannot be "proven" pursuant to the proscriptions of what it takes to prove something PHYSICAL... is our fault, how?
It is just so difficult for me to consider evidence I cannot perceive. Is it your fault? No, I suppose not, but you should be able to comprehend the conundrum it presents. Like trying to describe the sunset to a blind person, perhaps. Or the fourth dimension to someone who can perceive only three. I am left with two possibilities. Either I just don't have the ability to perceive the things you do, or perhaps the things you perceive don't exist. Stalemate.
Anyway, basically I'm reading into your post that at least parts of the Bible are, indeed, not an accurate source of information for one to know God and there are other apocryphal works that need to be considered in addition to the parts of the Bible that are ok. Also that one who believes as you and Tammy do is free to hear what he wishes and refrain from hearing what he wishes not to. It sounds a little like cafeteria Christianity except that you get to fill your tray with the food from other restaurants too. I do get the distinction that the Bible is a volume of books rather than just one, but the central characters are all pretty much connected. As a body of technical writings it is not something to which I would refer if I had a question. But I do prefer steelhead to bass and bass to tuna, now that you mention it.
I think I'll have to reread your post tomorrow when I'm not so knackered.
Are you recommending it?
It is non-addictive (although it can be habit forming in those who are not disciplined, so that doesn't apply to you) has no known lethal dose and is reported to produce satisfactory results in terminal cancer patients. If I was in chronic pain I would at least try it.
Good night, all. Off to TIFF tomorrow but will pop in to take a pulse in the morning.