Don Cherry has made a career of being outrageous, sizemik. He was an aggressive hockey player, an even more aggressive coach and is a no-holds-barred and eccentric commentator. He dresses in loud suits and baits and provokes listeners with his bald honesty. It is why he is a much beloved by many Canadians and is an embarassment to others. I met him a little over five years ago. We were both in the waiting room of a lawyer's office in Toronto. He was flanked by two big guys wearing Stanley Cup rings and you could hear him talking from across the building. Quite the character.
JoinedPosts by Nickolas
Everyone has an opinion
by sizemik inin the modern world everybody wants to be "politcally correct".
but what they feel others want to hear.. in a way .
it's a kind of deception.. well .
"Mentally Diseased" are confirmed as offensive words of hate crime. Help needed, please.
by Amelia Ashton inmy youngest is studying law.
browsing through one of her books i came across a chapter freedom of association.
it covers the well known categories, colour, race, religion, sexuality etc.
I apologise to the OP for this little tangent.
May I suggest you take a deep breath and relax a little, cedars? Your advice to Amelia to bring scripture into the conversation with the police was poor and, if taken, would have been detrimental to the outcome. I paraphrased what I read in your statement and rather than clarify your words you went ballistic. That you have recognised and apologised for the possibility that your words could have been misunderstood is honest of you and this would have been far more effective to put me in my place than the initial course you chose. You've noticed no doubt that no-one is joining you in this side conversation. That may be because resorting to umbrage, name calling and sarcasm in response to someone taking issue with one's remarks is embarassing and immature. If you disagree with something someone says, as I disagree with both your advice and your illustration, you have a number of options. Flaming is one, but it will not be the one that will garner you much respect.
Door to Door Atheists Bother Mormons in Salt Lake
by AK - Jeff inthis is funny!
i was surprised that he did not mention jw's, but all the same applies.
many pardons if this has already made the rounds - i just became aware of it by a friend posting it on fb yesterday.. jeff.
Substitute the WTBTS for the LDS and it is still a bullseye. Thanks for that. Enjoyed it thoroughly.
A warning for all from Totally ADD
by TotallyADD init has been four days since i have been on jwn.
because i am not as young as i used to be.
as many know my wife and i are opening up a donut store.
Hey there, TADD. I did the same thing as you did, except I was only 55, two years younger. Four years ago. I rented a jackhammer for three successive weekends to cut down a hump in my basement floor before pouring self leveling cement over the entire area to level it off ahead of the flooring. I didn't have a problem, except for keeping the dust out of the house despite sealing off everything with poly. It is not so much a function of your age but of your level of fitness. Regardless, you are right. It is only when your body really starts to get old that you truly understand what it is all about. Ah, the wisdom of age, eh? Use it or lose it. Keep your body moving and your brain occupied or both will turn to mush.
"Mentally Diseased" are confirmed as offensive words of hate crime. Help needed, please.
by Amelia Ashton inmy youngest is studying law.
browsing through one of her books i came across a chapter freedom of association.
it covers the well known categories, colour, race, religion, sexuality etc.
That is indeed the point, thetrueone. The Watchtower calling those who oppose it "mentally diseased" is a case of the pot calling the kettle black. The Watchtower is mentally diseased. It should be no surprise that they manifest paranoid and delusional behaviour when confronted by those who oppose them. They're unravelling.
"Mentally Diseased" are confirmed as offensive words of hate crime. Help needed, please.
by Amelia Ashton inmy youngest is studying law.
browsing through one of her books i came across a chapter freedom of association.
it covers the well known categories, colour, race, religion, sexuality etc.
The perception of mental disease is relative. Some say, and I have a tendency to agree, that every one of us is crazy. It is just a matter of degree. For those who might object I offer the observation that those who are crazy don't know they're crazy, but they are still capable of detecting logical aberration in others. Pot and kettle and all that. I am convinced that what Jehovah's Witnesses believe is delusional, and delusion is nothing if not mental illness. If delusional people believe that I am delusional because I do not believe what they do, then what am I to do except smile and go on my way?
"Mentally Diseased" are confirmed as offensive words of hate crime. Help needed, please.
by Amelia Ashton inmy youngest is studying law.
browsing through one of her books i came across a chapter freedom of association.
it covers the well known categories, colour, race, religion, sexuality etc.
Thank you for that clarification, nugget. I of course agree that scripture is irrelevant to the conversation and it would have been ill-advised to even bring it up.
"Mentally Diseased" are confirmed as offensive words of hate crime. Help needed, please.
by Amelia Ashton inmy youngest is studying law.
browsing through one of her books i came across a chapter freedom of association.
it covers the well known categories, colour, race, religion, sexuality etc.
that's the most mind-numbingly ridiculous thing anyone's ever said to me on here.
Well, you have been on here for only a little over a month. You need to be patient.
You seem to have your knickers in a knot, cedars. What am I misunderstanding? This is what you said:
Another thing you might want to keep in mind is that the words "mentally diseased" are taken from the New Word Translation's interpretation of 1 Tim 6:4. It might be worthwhile having your bible open at this scripture when they call. You can show them that the context of the verse itself applies to anyone who doesn't believe in Jesus Christ, and that since you believe in Jesus Christ (assuming you do) those words very definitely do NOT apply to you, and you take exception to anyone who asserts that they do simply because you do not see eye-to-eye with Watchtower leadership.
(bold added) Are you not saying the context of the verse you advised Amelia to show to the police applies only to those who don't believe in Jesus Christ and since Amelia ostensibly believes in Jesus Christ she should point out that she cannot scripturally (by that I mean the NWT of the scriptures) be accused of being mentally diseased and that she should take exception to the accusation on the basis that she believes in Jesus Christ? Perhaps I have misunderstood you. Please enlighten me.
"Mentally Diseased" are confirmed as offensive words of hate crime. Help needed, please.
by Amelia Ashton inmy youngest is studying law.
browsing through one of her books i came across a chapter freedom of association.
it covers the well known categories, colour, race, religion, sexuality etc.
You can show them that the context of the verse itself applies to anyone who doesn't believe in Jesus Christ, and that since you believe in Jesus Christ (assuming you do) those words very definitely do NOT apply to you, and you take exception to anyone who asserts that they do simply because you do not see eye-to-eye with Watchtower leadership.
I'm chiming in too late but it will be a bad idea to inject your own religious beliefs into the conversation with the police. They're not going to care what you believe if they're doing their jobs properly. They're going to want to see evidence of hate crime. I wish you only the best in your fight but I think you may have an uphill battle ahead of you. So what if the Watchtower thinks apostates are mentally diseased? Isn't it just their perception and perspective? Is labelling somebody as having a mental disease a hate crime? When you see a street person talking to herself and say "she is mentally diseased" are you guilty of a hate crime? The US Supreme Court has upheld the Watchtower's legal right to disfellowship and shun. They will likely be disposed to allow them their false perceptions, because the label itself is not hateful. I think it's more hateful what the Watchtower says about homosexuals, but nobody's managed to take them to task on it.
Cedars, I don't believe in Jesus Christ. I might paraphrase your comment to read "sure, people who don't believe in Jesus Christ are mentally diseased, but since you believe in Jesus Christ (you do believe, don't you?) then you're not mentally diseased."
The Hubble, Yahweh, the Bible, and faith.
by Nickolas inthere have been several threads in which the views of the universe provided by the hubble space telescope have been discussed.
i guess this will be another one.
there's a new series being broadcast here in canada on the oasis hd nature channel entitled hubble's canvas.
I am presuming to comment on your last missive to sizemik, Shelby (and welcome back).
I would also offer than perhaps all YOU need to do is simply ask for MORE.. FAITH.
There's that word again. You are talking as if the Bible is evidence, but it isn't except where it is supported by appropriately dated historical artifacts and/or it agrees or approximately agrees with bona fide historical records most of which were written by, well, historians of the time. The last part of that sentence is important - of the time. Where the Bible differs from other references is supporting hisorical references or artifacts. There is no record of Moses anywhere else but in the Bible. Same goes for King David, Saul of Tarsus (although Josephus does talk about a character named Saulus who persecuted Jewish insurectionists), Peter and John (the pseudo historical records written decades or even centuries after their alleged deaths do not count). There is historical evidence for the existence of Herrod and Pontius Pilate but it would be a correlation fallacy to say that because these men existed whatever was recorded about them in the Bible is true unless there is corroborating evidence elsewhere. Statements put forth without proof are considered hearsay.
All you need to do is ASK:
By that I take your meaning to be asking, really, really, really sincerely. In which case it might be more accurately positioned that all you need to to is WANT: If you really, really, really want to believe then you will find a way to believe and then your mind will take over. A distinction amoung atheists/agnostics is that there are those who wish it was all true, that there is a God etc., but who can't bring themselves to believe it because of the evidence to the contrary. There are so many aspects of Christianity that are beautiful and appealing to me - like the promise that I will see and hug my parents again - but which I just can't bring myself to believe anymore. I can ask all I want, but I cannot suspend disbelief sufficiently to expect faith in response.
I was going to comment on allowance of possibility on the basis of supported scientific theory and evidence vs allowing possibility on the basis of faith, but I think sizemik covered that off quite well.