Perhaps you need only to see through your personal prejudice, still thinking. That's not a put down, my dear, please believe that. We are all prejudiced to some extent though we are loathe to admit it to anyone, let alone ourselves. From your response I'm not sure you understood what I posted. It was about happiness and harm. If a child and his parents are happy believing in nonsense and hurt no-one, what's the obvious harm? Are you going to force the Amish into state-sponsored compulsory reprogramming? Make them drive Buicks instead of buggies? What about the Mormons? Jehovah's Witnesses? Jews? Roman Catholics? Scientologists? Of course not, even if every one of those groups is clearly and unequivocally delusional. Happiness for most of mankind is dependent on maintaining a delusional reality. Several of the respondents in this thread are clearly happy in their delusions. If I believed in Him I'd say God bless them all. Surely you're not saying you'd make them into atheists if you could? To accept intellectually a completely new, and by comparison cold and stark, reality would be unlikely to make them happier. I'm also sure you're not proposing that society dictate what people should be allowed to teach their children to believe. Precisely the thing we do not want. Yes, creationism and other fantasies in the Bible are not in touch with reality but who sets the minimum standard of what kind of belief causes demonstrable harm? Some legislator? What you and they and I believe isn't accurate either. It is only what someone believes. If he had the power to tell me how to think next he'd be telling me what to watch on TV, or what books I should read, or what internet sites I should visit. I don't think that's what you want, but once you get to the point of dictating truth you become part of the problem.
Not back, alas. Just was thinking about this place and thought I'd stop in. Cheers.