I understand, Terry. I am not as generous sharing my background story as you are. There are things that happened to me many years ago that when brought to mind probably have the potential to curl me into the fetal position in a dark room if I allowed them to. But I don't let them and, I admit, I don't talk about them either, not even to my closest friends. PTSD may be an appropriate diagnosis. If taken to extremes it brings to mind the wartime experiences of my father and father-in-law, in particular the latter. He left divinity school - he had intended to follow in the footsteps of his father - and enlisted in the Canadian army not long after the outbreak of the second war in Europe. He spoke on occasion of his experience while stationed in England ahead of being deployed to the continent but he never, ever, spoke about what happened to him while serving in Italy, Belgium, Holland and Germany before the end of hostilities. Not even his family knows, only that he was there. It's as if there is a three year hole in his life. He also never spoke to me about God and religion. Never. Not once. Not even when I was actively studying to become a Jehovah's Witness. In fact, I never heard him address the subject of faith to anyone. Rather remarkable for a man who was going to become a Baptist minister. It's apparent something terrible happened to his psyche, probably many things. He was regardless a man who loved life, was generally happy in it and was exceedingly kind and generous toward others. I may be extrapolating but I believe had he not found a way to set aside his wartime experiences and move on, his life and the lives of those he cared about would have been much different. Certainly not better. I think, though acknowledging my line of thinking may be facile, a parallel can be drawn with people like you who bear the scars of their association with the Watchtower. While I would not advocate bottling up indelible memories I would advocate finding a way to isolate them so they no longer cause you pain. Not easy, but nothing worthwhile ever is.