JoinedTopics Started by varian
oompa and myself
by varian inhey everyone.. i m sitting here with tears in my eyes.
you just can t imagine what i m going through richt now.
there are no words to describe it!.
transformation 2012
by varian inrecently i ve been watching loads of youtube clips about spiritual teachers.
mainly themes about law of atraction and teachings from eckard tolle.. many of them are saying that 2012 is the year of transformation.
they are talking al lot about people who are right now in that process.. i also feel this way.
is it normal for a father, to walk hand in hand in public with his adult daughter?
by varian intalking about europe and the western world....
listen and learn. the near future of britain and europe...
by varian of the best speeches on this subject i ve ever heard.
the reality of islam is a trojan horse....
Scum in Britain
by varian in...just unbelievable.
even the lefties are having trouble to find nice words for them...hahaha!.!.
Elders want to pay a visit
by varian ini had a phone call recently.
two elders want to come round.. now i ve been out for approx.
8 years.
british passport
by varian inhi everyone.. i just applied for the renewal of my british passport.
it really costs a fortune to have it done.. i had to have new photos taken too.
the pictures has to be to the according requirements.. now they ve send me an email, saying that my head was too close to the camera.
meditation / law of attraction
by varian inhello all.. i m really getting into this subject now, and i recently posted a question a while back, regarding this topic, so sorry if it appears to you, that i m repeating myself.. the thing is the same: i just can t suss out, why the wts considers meditation, or call it relaxation technique, as non-biblical.. i m not talking so much about religious, or far east meditation, rather the positive effects of this practice.. so, in other words, the wts is saying, by relaxing the body and mind, you re giving the devil the chance to enter your brain or whatever, right?.
don t they claim, that the demons have no effects on our mind?
there are no biblical examples, are there?
i found the woman of my dreams!
by varian inlast weekend i had a date.
i immidaiately fell in love.
we met the following day again, and arranged another date for tomorrow.. well, yesterday she sent me a text message, stating that she no longer has an interest in seeing me again, because she discovered other pics of myself on other dating web sites.