So you can spit on it no doubt.
JoinedPosts by Devil_Fish
Rutherford grave
by django inhi everybody.
i would like to know where is the grave of joseph franklyn rutherford?.
A note to Mr. Smith re: The Menlo Park KH Case.
by Devil_Fish inhello mr. smith,.
the plantiffs have been asked who wrote "the book" that is filed into evidence, is now public record and is avalible for all to see on at this address: .. the response to this question is: "the book" was written by divine inspiration.
yes, thats right, jehovah wrote it, through his son jesus.
Hello Mr. Smith,
The plantiffs have been asked who wrote "The Book" that is filed into evidence, is now public record and is avalible for all to see on at this address: .
The response to this question is: "The Book" was written by divine inspiration. Yes, thats right, Jehovah wrote it, through his son Jesus. Your going to loose this case. Your clients and posibly you are going to jail. Your flailing attempts at saying the plantiffs are not following court proceedure are nothing more then nit picking. You have nothing else.
1 Samuel 17:47 and that all this assembly may know that Jehovah saveth not with sword and spear: for the battle is Jehovah's, and he will give you into our hand. And it came to pass, when the Philistine arose, and came and drew nigh to meet David, that David hastened, and ran toward the army to meet the Philistine. And David put his hand in his bag, and took thence a stone, and slang it, and smote the Philistine in his forehead; and the stone sank into his forehead, and he fell upon his face to the earth. So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and with a stone, and smote the Philistine, and slew him; but there was no sword in the hand of David.
John 2:14 And he found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the changers of money sitting: and he made a scourge of cords, and cast all out of the temple, both the sheep and the oxen; and he poured out the changers money, and overthrew their tables; and to them that sold the doves he said, Take these things hence; make not my Father's house a house of merchandise.
JW's And The Abuse Of Children...
by shel54401 inthrough out my 10yrs.
of being involved w/ the organization i have witnessed a many pyhsical abuse.and i even have been to a many different halls, in which i saw the same abuse on children.the last thing that had made me leave was a case of childabuse, in which no elders nor any one did anything to help these poor children, so i reported them and the children were taken from the home that day, the husband went to jail then prision for a probation violation by hurting the children.the little one of age 5 was punched in the face, then kicked down a flight of stairs..this was it for me, after reporting this, i left the organization and never looked sad, when people just stood by and watched this happen, even an elder's wife, and no one did anything to help these poor children.and the beatings i witnessed in the bathrooms was just awful.after my research of this dangerous cult, and then the beatings of the children was enough for me to take my 5 year old daughter and myself out of this dangerous organization and never look back.
yes, we lost a many frineds, but i still keep in contact w/ some of my jw"s friends who sneek over at times to visit me..i sure pray that god will helo them escape this dangerous organization before its too late..
I was beat with a wooden spoon and a belt as a child. My mother tells me that she now regrets having beat me for "Just being a kid".
I am now a proud parent. I have never and will never hit my child. by hiting you are sending the message that the way to get what you want is through violence.
There was a story recently from Texas where they still practice paddeling in some of the more rule schools. in kindigarten the teacher held up a paddle and told the kids that if they didn't do what the teacher said they would get paddled. well guess what happend that very same day at recess? A little girl asked a little boy to give her a toy he had. When he refused, she hit him with a stick.
How is this not a Duh moment???
I can't imagine any good reason to hit a child. Why is it that if I hit an adult it is assult, and I get arrested, but if I hit a child, it's diciplin? Children should have more rights not less.
Reading through these stories makes me cry. I keep seeing my child in my head and I can't imagine any action that would warrent being hit.
Elder body removed Watchtower letter
by Marvin Shilmer inelder body removed watchtower letter.
an elder body was removed last year in california.
most folks have never seen a watchtower letter breaking this news.
Clearing up a few issues.
The real reason the elder body was removed is because they refused a remodle. The loan on the MP KH was granted by a private individual, thus WTS had no lean on the property ever. The loan was paid in full in 2009 and the property now worth $2.2 Million was owned free and clear by an independant California Corporation called The Menlo Park Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses Inc. This Corporation was formed with out by-laws and as such the local corporate laws apply. The WTS has no more right to take over this independant corporation then they do Saint Mary's Cathedral in San Francisco.
$2.2 Million is to tempting for the WTS so they devised a plan to get it:
1. Give the Menlo Park Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses Inc. a Loan to do a remodle with the stipulation that the WTS be placed on the deed as lean houlder.
2. Remodle the MP KH
3. Have the local congregants pay off the loan.
4. Merge the MP congregation with another congregation.
5. Sell the MP KH and pocket $2.2 Million
Small problem:
Local Elders/Corporate Officers of Menlo Park Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses Inc. Do not agree to remodle, and refuse the loan.
Remove and Replace Local Elders.
There is no requirement under California law for the Officers of an independant Corporation to also be JW Elders. Therefore Wile you can remove them as elders, you can not legally remove them from their posisions on the corporation.
And this drama continues. There are more fire works then I can talk about here. WTS if your reading this, and especially you Don Adams, Your about to get your ass handed to you.
Hey, What happens if I go to pass over and drink the wine, and eat the bread?
by Devil_Fish inwhen questioned i would probably respond:.
and get stuck here with you people for eternity?
who said there is no hell?.
I like the bread. I actuall did eat it a few times after words, because "It is no longer Jesus' body after the memorial was over."
Hey, What happens if I go to pass over and drink the wine, and eat the bread?
by Devil_Fish inwhen questioned i would probably respond:.
and get stuck here with you people for eternity?
who said there is no hell?.
P.S. How do I change my Avatar?
Hey, What happens if I go to pass over and drink the wine, and eat the bread?
by Devil_Fish inwhen questioned i would probably respond:.
and get stuck here with you people for eternity?
who said there is no hell?.
When questioned I would probably respond:
What? and get stuck here with you people for eternity? Who said there is no Hell?
Menlo Park Kingdom Hall 3
by Juan Viejo2 infor those of you that have been following the ongoing story of the forced take over of the menlo park, california kingdom hall, please go to:.
i'm sorry, the article is still a little rough and still needs a lot of editing, but i wanted to get it up by today at the latest.
This may seem far fetched, but it is not. This scandal is as much about the bank accounts as it is about the hall. I know for a fact that Mathew Contrearas, (son of Luis Contrearas, one of the defendants) Works at the Chase bank where the secret bank account was opened.
There was a news story not long ago on KGO about the drug loards laundering money through the big banks. The deal works like this: Supply=U.S. dollars (From the drug cartell) Demand= U.S. dollars for comoditys trading. To change foren curency into U.S. dollars (for comoditys trading) The charge could be as much as 20%. Answer go to the U.S. bank, their rate is 10%. Where does the bank get U.S. Dollars? From the drug cartell and charge the drug loards 10% for laundering the money making a tidey 20% profit.
That is the story on KGO. The piece of the puzzel that is missing is this: How does the bank move all this money with out the scrutiny of the IRS? they would need bank accounts that are exempt from IRS scrutiny. Enter non-profit religious corporate bank accounts. When a congregation merges with another, what happens to it's bank accounts? These bank accounts are more valuable to the WTS then the KH. The sale of the KH is nothing more then gravy on mashed potatos, or iceing on the cake. It's really the bank accounts they are after.
I belive that the top of the piramid isn't the WTS at all. It's banking industry insiders in a cozy relationship with more religions then just the WTS.
All of this is speculation on my part except "the fact that Mathew Contrearas, (son of Luis Contrearas, one of the defendants) Works at the Chase bank where the secret bank account was opened." Everything in the court fileing on this case has documented proof. every alegation, and even things that on their face seem like speculation such as the bit about the tickes offered to Jason. The Brother who offered the tickets later complained to some one else about being used by Brede. He will be called as a hostile witness. (what irony)
In any case the Plantifs are not on some rampage. they have been forced to fight back at every turn. They are not hero's or villans. They are simply traveling down the only path presented to them. The Practices of the WTS and that slime ball Smith have forced their hand in every fileing and action.
I have sceen documents provided to the plantifs by defense att Smith that can prove that Contrearas commited Fraud in less then 30 seconds. Brede and Landurvel commited conspiricy to commit fraud. These charges are the easyest to prove, and the other charges can all be proved as well.
The only reason Brede et. al. are not yet in jail is because Jason Cobb is Black.
For the record, I'm not raceist, but I call it how I see it.
Good luck to you, and to the Menlo Park 2
WT's idea of Disaster Relief
by Juan Viejo2 in
"in cooperation with local authorities and other relief agencies, the witnesses arranged to help meet the immediate needs of their fellow worshippers and other victims in japan, establishing three teams to help organize disaster relief.
these teams are working diligently to contact congregations of jehovahs witnesses in the devastated areas and care for the spiritual, physical, and material needs of their fellow believers.
I bet the WTS would be more then happy to give you a loan to rebuild your house as long as the WTS is listed on the deed. The only catch is once you pay off the loan, they keep the deed and sell your house out from under you. Have faith, it's Jehova's way. Just sell your soul to the Devil contact the R.B.C. and they will set you right up.
Why the JW's mental image of Paradise is a pipe dream
by Sour Grapes inyesterday during the witchtower study, every one was.
talking about how wonderful paradise will be with no food.
shortages, perfect weather, no pollution, no disease, and be.
The one thing that always got me:
If I live for ever, and have kids who live for ever, who have kids who live for ever, and so on; There will be an over population problem at some point.
My dad answered this question with this: "Jehova will take care of it."