Makes perfect sence.
in the early 80s the watchtower society began to forbid any police officer from serving as a ministerial servant, elder or even viewed as "exemplary".
at the time i was told it was because of firearms, possible bloodguilt, and being men of violence- "smiters".. as a young person it just didn't make sense to me.
i knew and liked a few peace officers who served as elders.
Makes perfect sence.
jane doe v. watchtower bible and tract society of new york, inc.. .
jury trial - june 14, 2012 - day 10. .
mr. schnack: ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the judge has instructed you that it is your choice to award or not to award punitive damages.
Interesting that in a previous court case, the WT Lawyer stated under oth that the WT is exactly like the Catholic Church. Also interesting that in that case, The WT Lawyer aserted that written publications from the WT were Hearsay.
how many times are the watchtower society going to shoot themselves in the foot?
they've been bruised in the heel with the candace conti case, but that obviously wasn't enough.. they've now featured an article that tells parents how to protect their children from abuse... you just can't make this stuff up!.
read this article to see how pathetic this organisation can get!.
From the WT article:
"HEATHER and Scott are a vivacious, happy couple, the parents of a bright, healthy three-year-old boy.* They take good care of their son. In today’s world, that is no easy job. It involves a wide array of worries and responsibilities. There are so many things that children need to be taught! Heather and Scott feel strongly about one responsibility in particular: They want to protect their child from the dangers of sexual abuse. Why?"
You WT stooges make me sick with such stupid questions. "Gee, I don't know... Why would any parent want to protect their child from sexual abuse?"
none of it matters because the WT Lawyers have all ready stated in court under oath that any thing the WT prints is hearsay.
OMFG you parasites make me sick.
published on monday july 02, 2012. vicki boer sued the canadian jehovah's witnesses over 10 years ago over the way they handled her complaint of sexual abuse.
she won but was burdened with heavy legal costs.
Turtle said:
I don't understand the whole child abuse thing.
What exactly should the WT have done once the Elders receive information regarding someone abusing children?
Well Turtle,
The Elders knew that he had mollested his step daughter. He had confessed this to mutiple elders as well as his wife. When they later saw a 9 year old girl (conti) sitting on his lap during the meetings, that should have raised a red flag for any "Shepard". The WT is not guilty of molestation, or even of failing to report molestation. They are guilty of neglegence, malice, and child endangerment. They are an accesory to molestation, through their failure to act on multiple red flags. I find the clame that they didn't know that Conti was being molested almost laughable if it wasn't so disgusting.
May all abused children find peace.
i've given this recent lawsuit quite a bit of thought and come to sound conclusions.
after examining other organization's child-protection policies (namely churches), what i've come to realize is there's a one-size fits all solution that's socially acceptable; all information obtained through witnesses and confessions by organizational personnel is be used to aid and abet law-enforcement.
there's no in-between or anything short of this objective that's socially acceptable.
Well said.
for immediate release.
june 20, 2012. jehovahs witnesses to appeal jury verdict.
in california case.
For Immediate Release
June 20, 2012Jehovah’s Witnesses to appeal jury verdict
in California caseNEW YORK—Jehovah’s Witnesses will appeal the decision of a California jury in a court case involving alleged acts of child abuse.
The jury rendered a multimillion-dollar damage award to a woman who claimed that she was molested as a child by a member of a local congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses. At trial, the plaintiff claimed that the policies of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society contributed to the alleged abuse. “We respectfully disagree with the jury’s decision. This is the first time that an organization was found responsible for the alleged misdeeds of a member who held no position of leadership or authority,” states James McCabe, an attorney representing Watchtower in the case. “We are very sorry for whatever harm this young lady may have suffered. However, the organization is not responsible. We now look to the Court of Appeals for a thorough review of this case.”
J. R. Brown, a spokesman at the world headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses, commented: “The fact that Jehovah’s Witnesses abhor child abuse and strive to protect children from such acts is well-known. The individual members of any organization must ultimately bear the responsibility for their own actions, particularly when the acts are so flagrantly against the morals and principles of the organization and society.”
Media Contact:
J. R. Brown, Office of Public Information, tel. +1 718 560 5600
First thing that comes to mind is Viet Nam. How many JW's were excused from service because, "They are all ministers because they preach 'door to door'." I would bet money that there are court transcripts that have the WT lawyers saying this under oath.
After I look past that WTBS, I must note that the WT was not found guilty of molestation, they were found guilty of Malice. They were found guilty of failing to report a crime to the proper athorities, and there by allowing more children to be molested.
oh, and BTW Mr. Brown, “The fact that Jehovah’s Witnesses abhor child abuse and strive to protect children from such acts is..." not so well known.
who actually owns the buildings and land?
is it the local congregation or the watchtower society?
quite a simple program really. could be written in BASIC.
who actually owns the buildings and land?
is it the local congregation or the watchtower society?
What a grand swindle.
Step 1. force local congregation to barow money from WT for building supplies, and land.
Step 2. tell local congregation during meetings that they need to donate additional money.
Step 3. force local congregation to donate labor to build new KH.
Step 4. Sell old KH and pocket the money.
Step 5. force local congregation to pay off barowed money.
Step 6. deem KH in-adaquate, go to step 1.
is there a possibility that the watchtower will be split into two opposing camps at sometime in the foreseeable future?
judging from the past, do we envisage such a scenario happening before our eyes?.
actually if you think about it, they are all ready split:
For clarity, here are some details worthy of note about these corporations that use the name Watch Tower or Watchtower which represent Jehovah’s Witnesses interests.
Originally established in 1884 under the name Zion's Watch Tower Tract Society. In 1896 the name was changed to Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. Since 1955, it has been known as Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, Inc.
Previously known as Peoples Pulpit Association of New York, formed in 1909. In 1939, the name, Peoples Pulpit Association, was changed to Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, Inc. Since 1956 it has been known as Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.
(There is also) this corporation is Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, Inc., which now oversees the preaching work of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the US, Bermuda and the Turks and Caicos Islands. In other words, this legal entity was established to organize and administer congregational affairs of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
is there a possibility that the watchtower will be split into two opposing camps at sometime in the foreseeable future?
judging from the past, do we envisage such a scenario happening before our eyes?.
HayDay said:
I would have thought splinter groups would have formed by now over the 'no blood' issue.
The blood Issue is one of the reasons that the Bonam Texas Cong. wanted to split off.