Thanks for the replys folks,
I have matured alot since I first decided they were not what I thought they were.I always had issues with the part where everyone is supposed to read our marerial but we were not supposed to read anything besides WT lit..But since my whole family was in it I just went with the flow..It wasn't until they would not say words at my twin baby girls funeral because there would be a preast there for wifes side of family that I really figured out that it wasn't as christian as they made out to be..Funny part is my parents didn't believe it even when they said it in front of them..they said had to be an apostate organization cause ya know they have those..(insert chuckle here)..
And I agree Cof C is an awesome book to read it opened my eyes ..I have doctrinal issues and just issues period..For the most part I am past it but like any x jw knows it is always there..It's something it effects ya for a life time since you miss out on so much in life by being so scared of everything ..
I have been a poster here before but has been so long I forgot my password and all so reregistered..I was formerly the poster Redneck..
Thanks again everyone