I have more questions for Shelby, and I don't want test to Nickolas's patience any longer.
Shelby has knowledge of life before the creation of the man and I want to know more
Here are a couple of my statements and Aguest responses:
AGuest-He didn't hide earthling man here: He created the physical man (Adham) as a vessel to hide the seed. Those he was hiding was not earthling man, but spirit beings... who, like Christ... took on the FORM of earthling man, so as to be hidden from their enemies in the spirit realm. He hid such seed here, in the physical realm. Once their location was betrayed, however, He had to hide them further. That is what the long garment of skin... the vessel of the fleshly body... does: hide the person we are ON THE INSIDE of it.
I am fascinated, and I would like to know more about the pre-adam days.
Perhaps when you have the time, on another thread
Thanks Jay
............................................... and
Shelby without using the bible as reference:
-What is the seed?
-Why is it necessary?
I would have loved to parse through the archives to get answers, but verbosity demands a skilled parser, which I am not.
I am trying to learn a few things, and I appriecate her posts considering her condition.