None of us know what the paradise would be like, at first it all sounds wonderful, Wat illustrations make it look fairy-tale-ish. But though, if true, perfect health, plentiful food...etc what not to like? But in reality I don't believe in fairy tales. I believe there would be much hard work to do, industry, farming, fixing and repairing tools and buildings and equipment as time and wear takes it's toll. I don't believe petting a lion and playing with a cobra is literal. In the wild food chain will still be there. Then we'll have to learn "new scrolls". KH every night. Worship every day. Suits and ties again. Here we go again |
over here we were always told that the pics in the publications were just an artist's impression. I think somewhere along the line we realized they were infantile. In my vision KHs, elders, kingdom halls etc don't figure. my vision is very nature based. I like your points about industry, farming etc
acquagirl, emptyinside, awaken2004, foundsheep, finger, longhairgirl