Are we gonna have show-and-tell?
That would be better than the theocratic misery school.
Are we gonna have show-and-tell?
That would be better than the theocratic misery school.
just ron and i were sitting outside on our porch, enjoying the beautiful late afternoon weather when our middle son came outside with the phone.
it was brother lazy slacker calling.
just ron took the phone before he knew who was calling.
Shun them.
finally opened my eyes about a month ago.. born in male from texas.
mid 20's.
suffered/suffer from general anxiety which i feel is a direct result from my childhood and teenage years in the org.
my mil of 38 years - who has not spoken to me for the 9 years since i left her cult - died on sunday.. today, as a favor to my sil who has spoken to me very rarely, for the same reasons, over the same period of time, i was moving some personal items to her home from the nursing home.
in this instance i guess it is ok to speak with me - if i have a strong back and a conveyance that aids her needs at the moment.. anyway, in the parking lot of the apartment complex where she lives, while we are moving in those items, guess who shows up?
five or six of my old 'best friends'.
And they didn't even express any condolences to either of you for the passing of your MIL.
They are mindless robots doing the will of the GB.
i'm a long time lurker, first time poster.
i think i have a similar story to others who were brought up in the so called "truth" but after reading so many stories i thought i'd finally get around to writing mine:.
like i said, i was raised into it and almost my entire immediate family where (and for the most part still are) serious members.
Welcome to JWN and thanks for posting your story.
I was not raised in the "truth" but there was always one or two witness kids in school who did not sign a birthday card or participate in holidays. I never made fun of them; I respected their beliefs. Later in life I became a witness. Then thru and other sites I got in touch with those former classmates to let them know I was now their brother....but to my surprise every single one of them said the same thing you did. They said throughout their childhood they "went thru the motions" because their parents forced them, then as soon as they graduated and left home they left the organization. I was shocked. But now once again I am on the same team with them.
how are letters from the society addressed to the local elders?
should i simply address it to the "body of elders"?.
The Society address the letters "Dear Brothers:" but that probably wouldn't be appropriate for you if you don't consider them to be your "broithers" anymore.
It depends on the purpose of the letter, and also your "status" (already DF'd or DA'd, in good standing, not even a member, etc)
You could start it with "Gentlemen:" or "Body of Elders:"
When I wrote my DA letter - which was actually a "stay off my property" letter since I had stopped associating years earlier - I addressed it to an elder's house because that's where the mail goes. (The Hall has no mailbox. All mail goes to an elder's home.) So the envelope said
XXX Congregation
[elder's name]
123 Main St,
[town], FL 00000
And I started the letter
"Congregation Elders:"
I closed the letter with
[my name]"
because I was not being confrontational; I just wanted to tell them bascially, "Please stop coming on my property and leaving literature because I quit this religion years ago. Just remove my from your records and leave me alone."
my gradmother used to tell me about a catholic icon at her aunt's house which was demon possesed and once blinked at her.
any other good stories of possession from people you know?.
I know for a fact that if the elders cannot figure out what's going on with a "weak" or an "inactive" one who doesn't respond to their shepherding, they lable that person as having "problems with the demons" and they tell their wives - who in turn tell others - to stay away from that person. They don't come right out and say that at first...they start out being vague, like "just be careful...Jehovah's not gonna protect you if you ignore his warnings....once Jehovah removes his spirit from a person they become easy prey for the demons..."
as many of you know, i recently wrote a letter to the elders telling them to make sure the congregation stays off my property.
in the letter i mentioned that i "left the organization several years ago.
" i have not had any contact with any witneses for about 5 years even though i was not disfellowshipped and not even counseled; i just stopped showing up.. well last night a brother called me (not an elder, just a publisher) but i let the call go to voice mail.
Oh yeah I'm aware that they sometimes have another elder listening in on the line.
This particular brother is not - and will never be - an elder. He got fired from jobs because instead of working he spent the whole day "witnessing" to co-workers. He even told the boss, "if they are worldly, they will be witnessed to." He and his wife never pay their bills. They rely on handouts from the congregation, and they move every few years leaving their landlord with several months' rent unpaid. Their credit is so bad, they cash their paychecks at one of those cash-advance stores. Apparently he is just taking it upon himself to call even though I'm sure the elders told him I'm DA'd.
I doubt anyone else will call but if they do I just won't answer. If they leave a msg I will not return their calls.
as many of you know, i recently wrote a letter to the elders telling them to make sure the congregation stays off my property.
in the letter i mentioned that i "left the organization several years ago.
" i have not had any contact with any witneses for about 5 years even though i was not disfellowshipped and not even counseled; i just stopped showing up.. well last night a brother called me (not an elder, just a publisher) but i let the call go to voice mail.
As many of you know, I recently wrote a letter to the elders telling them to make sure the congregation stays off my property. In the letter I mentioned that I "left the organization several years ago." I have not had any contact with any witneses for about 5 years even though I was not disfellowshipped and not even counseled; I just stopped showing up.
Well last night a brother called me (not an elder, just a publisher) but I let the call go to voice mail. Here is the gist of his intelligent message. Keep in mind he has not bothered with me in about 5 years. He said he tried to call me the previous night but dialed (a phone number one digit different from mine) and "spoke with that householder until he finally let me know that I had the wrong number." HA HA! What a moron! Then he went on to tell me to call him one evening so I could talk to him.
I can imagine this brother telling "the householder" all about how he is trying to reach out to a lost sheep he hasn't seen in 5 years and who has been snatched by the devil and will therefore be killed by Jesus at Armageddon.
I went ahead and blocked this brother's number.