demon posession?

by perfect1 46 Replies latest jw experiences

  • perfect1

    My gradmother used to tell me about a catholic icon at her Aunt's house which was demon possesed and once blinked at her.

    Any other good stories of possession from people you know?

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    That's it? It just blinked? What a wussy demon! It probably had regrets and was repentant, and wanted to get reinstated!!

  • talesin

    My foster brother's mother said the house she was living in was demonized. She said that she would be awakened from sleep by an invisible demon trying to have sex with her and shouted out "JEHOVAH!" ,,, and it stopped.

    She moved.

    My grandmother had a bunch of books on the occult. My grandfather said that when he put them in a pile outside to burn them, they wouldn't light. He poured gasoline on them, and still they wouldn't light (yeah, we all know that gas fumes light, so that's BS). So, he had to literally soak them with gasoline, and relit the pile several times to keep it burning.

    Fer cryin' out loud! What a bunch of made-up nonsense!

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    My foster brother's mother said the house she was living in was demonized. She said that she would be awakened from sleep by an invisible demon trying to have sex with her and shouted out "JEHOVAH!" ,,, and it stopped.

    makes you wonder how many other undiagnosed cases of sleep paralysis are actually found in KHs...

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    They're not demons..they're aliens....I have it on good authority.... Your grandmother is lucky they didn't impregnate you ever feel a bit...other worldly? LOL

  • eva luna
    eva luna

    my mom had a study when I was a kid of 7. She was a 'witch'

    After one of the studies, my mom picked me up from school. The car floorboard was full of her 'witch books' . Earlier, during her study they tried to burn them at her house . It didnt work. So she picks me up and I proceded to do a Linda Blaire and puke on them. This frieghtened my mom and she pulled over and dumped me...opps , them books on the road.

    As I type this, my computer is changing font and other strange stuff.

    I dont believe in god or the reverse.


    but it makes me mad that I still have some of those old fears.

  • dog is god
    dog is god

    there were two sisters, twins. One had a lot of problems. The elder told her she was possesed. She killed herself.

  • DarioKehl


    In the early 80s (1982-83) I snuck my Smurf doll into the Kingdom Hall at a Sunday morning meeting. The damn thing got up, walked down the aisle and went right out the door! We found it lying in the parking lot all soggy from puddles so we couldn't burn it. After seeing the Sparlock DVD, I finally decided to go into my attic and find it. Into the dumpster it went.

    I never told anyone about this so I'm sure none of you have ever heard anything this crazy!

  • talesin

    KS - exactly! I have sleep paralysis ... sux ... flashback stuff ...

    still -- lol, my grandmother ... I miss her so, she always said I was the 'apple of her eye', and treated me as such, but apparently, in her younger years, she was a hellion ... oh, I could tell you some tales ... :D

  • talesin

    And, oh yes,,, I have always felt 'other worldly' ... true true!


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