Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
I remember, when I was a regular pioneer... my congregation had 8 pioneers. A few were wives of elders. One of these elders (whose wife was a Reg Pio) got a turkey from his job as a Thanksgiving gift. They decided since we all were off from work that day, why not have a "get together"? The sister cooked the turkey with all the traditional side dishes - stuffing, cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie, and invited the other 7 of us over there. It was the most delicious turkey dinner I have ever had! During the dinner we all kept laughing and saying, "I bet the neighbors [or the brothers] would think we're celebrating Thanksgiving if they saw us..."
But of course we weren't...we were just having a get-together and eating food... we sort of joked about it among ourselves for quite some time afterward.
Anyway, this year I am doing something extravagant for Thanksgiving. You see, every year (since my "freedom") my brother invites me to his home, and some friends invite me to theirs. I alternate each year; one year I go to my brothers and the next year to this friend's home. This friend...he and his wife get up very early and cook 2 turkeys (2 different recipes) and all the go-withs, then they drop all that food off at their church where others have a dinner for the homeless. Then my friend and his wife return home and cook 2 more turkeys and all the go-withs, and have their own dinner with friends and family. It is wonderful! But this year since I am a pilot I am flying myself to another city, and my brother and his family will meet me there, and we'll eat at a restaurant that this other friend owns and is the chef there. Meanwhile the other friends will save some leftovers for me; I will visit them Friday and take them flying after I eat over there.