Wow! Thank you Black Sheep for that article. I guess that answers my question. If I understand that article correctly, the JW organization is claiming to have statements from the Lord in addition to what is in the Bible. Therefore, the current WT study article is consistent with the idea that -only they- have the sayings of everlasting life, no-one else. Even though anyone can read the Bible, which includes the sayings of Jesus, whom Peter was speaking to in the verse they cite (John 6:68), somehow reading the sayings of Jesus in the Bible is not enough to hear the sayings of everlasting life. Somehow, the sayings of everlasting life only come through the JW organization. It would have been nice if they cited a verse to support this claim.
Also, thanks to others for welcoming me. Sorry to just barge in with a question without introducing myself. I was trying to figure out how to put up a bio, but I don't see a way to change my "settings." So, at risk of going off-topic, here is some of my background:
I have a friend, whom I admire very much, who is a JW. Over the years, we didn't really talk about it, but she mentioned the Bible once in a while. About a year ago we started talking about it more. She also invited me to a couple of meetings. All it took was a couple meetings and I felt like something weird was going on. One of the elders asked me who I was "studying" with. Silly me, I thought we were speaking the same form of English. I pointed to my friend since we had been discussing various Bible passages, etc., and I figured we were "studying" the Bible. She got nervous and tried to explain to the elder that we really weren't "studying" the Bible. He looked at her and said, "you have to turn him over." I didn't know what was going on, and I didn't realize the fact that she is female and I am male was an issue. I also didn't realize the word "study" is a loaded term in JW language.
Since I still wanted to try to understand my friend's perspective, I agreed to be "turned over" and do a "Bible study" with total strangers. There is a KH closer to my home than the one my friend attends, and of course the "brother" assigned to "teach" me is in my vicinity, so I have been effectively separated from having any reason to discuss the Bible with my friend. I email her sometimes, and she just says I can ask my Bible "teacher" about it. The study is going very slowly because I ask a lot of questions. The "brothers" keep questioning my motives, and I keep repeating that I simply want to hear the message they are conveying to the world and evaluate what I think of it.
So far, this has been one of the most bizarre and eye-opening experiences of my life. Their use of language is really blowing my mind, and I am learning what to watch out for in other areas of life such as in political propaganda, speeches, advertising, etc. The use of vagueries and manipulation of emotion is so outstanding to me that sometimes when I return home from meetings, I feel like I need to take a shower to wash it off. It's like there's a haze over everything. So weird. This is why I finally decided to post a question to this board. I feel as though the literature and JW's themselves are not being up front with me about what they believe. As I read the literature, I want to say, "Ok Mr. anonymous author, out with it. Tell me clearly what you are saying. Enough with the vague language already." I want to be able to have intelligent discussions with my friend about her worldview and help her to think clearly about her beliefs. I respect people's choices to believe certain things, but I hate to see people being manipulated with language to the point where their thinking is garbled.
I hope to learn more from all of you as well as possibly contribute thoughts that may be helpful to others.