If you are just a "study," they restrict the materials they let you have to things like the "What Does The Bible Really Teach" booklet, the "New World Translation" version of the Bible, and of course the public Watchtower and Awake.
Even though they let you come to the meetings where they study material like the "Our Kingdom Minstry" leaflet, the Watchtower "Study Edition" magazine, the "Benefit From Theocratic Ministry" book, and the "Organized To Do Jehovah's Will" book, they won't let you have any of them. When I was a study, I asked my study conductor if I may have or even borrow any of these items to read at home, and the response was a flat out "NO, you are not ready." When I kept asking him about it, he said, "Please stop asking me because I can't give them to you."
There is also a Pioneer book that only Pioneers can have, not the regular JW's.
You probably know that only elders can have the "Shepherd The Flock" book.
Oh another thing: If you commit to the special "Auxiliary Pioneer" offer during Memorial season, you are granted the privilege of sitting in on the regular Pioneer meetings. Normally, I'm pretty sure Auxiliary Pioneers are not allowed to sit in on the regular Pioneer meetings.