Wow! Four paragraphs in an hour!
Maybe you are rushing things a little and should cut it down to just one paragraph every 30 minutes.
Good point. When I started the study, I would take forever just to get through a paragraph because I would question them on everything. Over time, as I started to get a feel for how they respond to questions, I think sheer exhaustion led me to just go along to get an overview. Yes, I am still asking questions - hence this thread, but sometimes even though their responses are not satisfactory, I just let them know I'm not satisfied & we move on. It is amazing how slick they are though with what they are constructing in their minds concerning me. In one instance, I said "I understand your reasoning, but. . ." and he finished for me ". . . but you don't accept it." Notice the double meaning & mis-communication. In my mind, "don't accept it" means even though I understand his line of thinking, I think there might be something wrong with it, but can't put my finger on it. In his mind, "don't accept it" means he has given me solid reasoning but I am refusing to accept it. He changed it from an intellectual problem to an attitude problem. That's just nasty.