"The Watchtower has only one accepted method of Bible study. In fact, it may be a stretch to even call it a Bible study method. It would be more accurate to call it "book study", "training", or even "brainwashing". Whether it's the Watchtower study on Sunday, the book study on Tuesday evening, or the "Bible Study" with an interested individual in their home - the method is the same. Here's how they do it: The written texts in the paragraph are found and read aloud to confirm the answer. This procedure is followed paragraph by paragraph until the entire Watchtower article or a chapter of the book is completed. Some individual additions are encouraged, but deviation from the basic "study" method is not permitted. This method is repeated article after article, day after day, week after week, year after year.
The views of the Society are constantly reprocessed through the authoritative study material of the Watchtower. As a result, every Jehovah's Witness, regardless of their educational background, is able to parrot the Society's views on practically every subject.
Independent analytical thinking eventually completely ceases, and the Witness's "disciple training" becomes complete. They no longer "rely on their own mind". I often wondered why we use these methods in our studies. "If this is the Truth", I thought "why do we brainwash ourselves in this way? Why can't there be open discussion and debate with each other in our studies? Why do the same lectures, the same studies from the same topics repeat over and over again?" I argued that since most Jehovah's Witnesses are not very educated, this is the only way they can learn. Besides, what is more important, the Truth or the method by which the Truth is presented? God simply gives us "the food at the proper time" in this way, so that every member of his people can easily digest it.
Especially in the beginning, I had a lot of questions and regularly asked them at the meetings. However, I chose my words very carefully for the questions, being careful not to appear as someone who criticizes the organization. Sincere questions from a new perspective, like mine, were somewhat tolerated as long as they did not disturb the course of the meeting. But as I noticed early enough, questions from devoted, baptized Witnesses were not tolerated at all even regarding the minor points of the doctrines and very easily formed the basis for disfellowshipping!
Individual Bible study groups, which were not "sanctified" by the Watchtower headquarters, are strictly forbidden among Jehovah's Witnesses. I found this out firsthand. We had a group of young people in Manitou Springs who gathered to study the Watchtower and encourage each other every Monday evening. After our group had been meeting for several weeks, the elders from our congregation, after discussing the situation with the circuit overseer, disbanded it. They said that our gathering was outside the regulations of the Watchtower Society. And this was the case, even if we were only studying the Watchtower! Independent study and discussion of the Bible without the direct supervision of the "mother" organization is strictly forbidden among Jehovah's Witnesses."
"Bible study with the help of the Watchtower" is actually Watchtower study!!
"The first station of indoctrination is home study. I write it deliberately because it's not about studying the Bible, but teaching an interpretation to the candidate for entry, in other words, they put glasses on their eyes so that they try to interpret everything they read through it. The actual study of the publication itself is quite peculiar. They read a paragraph, ask a printed question, then the student answers, which is quite simple since the answer is in the few lines they just read. The study conductor praises the student in numerous ways..."
"Monotony is a long-term and insidious tool. If the victim hears the same thing with sufficient regularity and is forced to repeat it, any individual thought, individual initiative can be put into the service of the religious organization.When I read this, the weekly Watchtower study immediately came to mind. Essentially the same information, the same language. They read, we repeat. They read, we repeat. Endlessly, week after week, there is never a break.
A critic wrote to me:
"Your brothers perform a distorted and tragicomic play weekly, which you prosaically call Watchtower study. I have seen it, and it scared me. (For those who were fortunate enough to have never seen it: the study leader reads a paragraph from the Watchtower, then reads the related question at the bottom of the page, which is basically the same, just with a different word order. Then a trembling victim volunteers and reads the paragraph that was just read twice, like a zombie. This goes on for an hour. It made me depressed for a week. Adults like frightened galley slaves in a Stalinist horror.)"
"The purpose of this question-and-answer is not to ask real questions, but to:
- Create the illusion of real questions in outsiders,
- The insider, however, only asks questions that the "faithful and discreet" formulated, wrote down, so that they don't even have to think independently.
This is about controlling thought. So that later the subject can't even ask questions independently. The whole Organization is set up for this. Anyone who has been immersed can't ask questions without being threatened with the label of "rebellious thinking". Therefore, the elders just mechanically carry out the activity, which is designed so that only minimal intelligence is required to execute it. For example, an outsider who wanders into one of the JW's lectures is surprised by how good the lecture is. However, the insider knows that this lecture is a completely planned thing, it doesn't reflect the speaker's opinion - pardon: it actually does, because the speaker only has the opinion that appeared in the earlier Watchtowers. A bit of reality comes into it when the speaker pronounces a "truth" that is outdated. But the loyal Witness still puts on a good face, pretending as if the old "truth" were still current. I see that the purpose of this whole "learning" process is not for the Witness to gain greater Biblical knowledge, but nothing else than to be loyal to his superiors. Some kind of absolute respect for authority, respect for the hierarchy. Of course, this is communicated as needing to be loyal to God, but in practice, it always looks like being loyal to specific people, leaders, the current "truth", the current interpretation, i.e., in essence, to those who invented this interpretation. You simply need such people who learn not to ask questions and not to think - or rather, to think, but only according to some predetermined template."
"The power of the Organization over its members is to be found in their "Bible study" method. At their meetings, they do not directly study the Scriptures, but "tools" that help understand the otherwise incomprehensible Scripture. In their publications, they process the same topics week after week, year after year, deepening them in the minds of the Witnesses, establishing their commitment. Since they always hear the same thing, it starts to become natural to them. The task is simple: repeat a lie long enough until everyone starts to believe it - this is somewhat similar to how advertisements work."
"In the literature published by the Society, the authors of the articles have not been listed since the 1950s, so criticizing them would automatically mean criticizing the "faithful and discreet slave class" appointed by God, which is forbidden for the members."
"Their congregation is characterized by total lack of love. It's not for nothing that they use the phrase "demonstrating love" instead of the simple word "love". Yes, it's always about displaying things, the surface, the smiling, the raving about the "truth", so that someone sits through the whole thing elegantly, in a tie, responds to the questions asked, and gives such well-groomed answers that reflect the words of the Watchtower as accurately as possible. Therefore, many do not even bother, they simply read out the answers that were previously (at home) underlined. And this home underlining is called "preparation" and "study". Even the questions are designed in such a way as to prevent thoughts from accidentally being diverted in an inappropriate direction. And this guided thinking is called "meditation". Here is Orwell's 1984 realized, words mean different things than they should, the "newspeak" language is right before our eyes. The Watchtower study leader has to ask these prescribed questions, and the audience has to rephrase and repeat the answers they underlined at home. Like some sort of drama group. Perhaps the most important thing is to prevent any manifestation of spontaneity."