Critique of Jehovah's Witnesses' blood policy by Raymond Franz, a former member of Jehovah' Witnesses' Governing Body.
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Interpretation of Acts 15:28,29
by Christianhonest inwhat does the mandate to "abstain from blood" mean for jehovah's witnesses freed from the control of the governing body?.
it had previously been understood that the best translation of acts 15: 28-30 was "to abstain from blood.
" however, a careful analysis of the passage shows that the best translation of this passage is "to abstain from (shedding) blood," where the word "pour out," which does not appear in ancient manuscripts and other biblical versions, appears there understood in elliptical the same way it happened in the case of colossians 1: 16-20 where the new world translation of the holy scriptures correctly inserted the word "other" several times, understood there in elliptical form, in the phrase of the original greek "all things ", thus obtaining the correct translation" all (other) things ".even though christianity reaffirms itself in translating this passage as saying that "through him all things were created", because he maintains that jesus is god according to his pagan doctrine of the trinity, multiple biblical passages sustainthe biblical truth that jesus is not jehovah god, but his beloved son that god later used as his creative partner.according to this paul said that "though he existed in the form of god, he did not give consideration to a usurpation, namely, that he should be equal to god, no, rather, he emptied himself and took the form of a slave and he came to be in the likeness of men, more than that, when he was in the manner of a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death, yes, death on a torture stake, for this same reason, also, god he exalted a superior position and kindly gave him the name that is above all else, so that in jesus' name every knee of those [who are] in heaven and those who are [over] the earth and those [who are] under the ground, and openly recognize * every tongue that jesus christ is lord for the glory of god the father.
Interpretation of Acts 15:28,29
by Christianhonest inwhat does the mandate to "abstain from blood" mean for jehovah's witnesses freed from the control of the governing body?.
it had previously been understood that the best translation of acts 15: 28-30 was "to abstain from blood.
" however, a careful analysis of the passage shows that the best translation of this passage is "to abstain from (shedding) blood," where the word "pour out," which does not appear in ancient manuscripts and other biblical versions, appears there understood in elliptical the same way it happened in the case of colossians 1: 16-20 where the new world translation of the holy scriptures correctly inserted the word "other" several times, understood there in elliptical form, in the phrase of the original greek "all things ", thus obtaining the correct translation" all (other) things ".even though christianity reaffirms itself in translating this passage as saying that "through him all things were created", because he maintains that jesus is god according to his pagan doctrine of the trinity, multiple biblical passages sustainthe biblical truth that jesus is not jehovah god, but his beloved son that god later used as his creative partner.according to this paul said that "though he existed in the form of god, he did not give consideration to a usurpation, namely, that he should be equal to god, no, rather, he emptied himself and took the form of a slave and he came to be in the likeness of men, more than that, when he was in the manner of a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death, yes, death on a torture stake, for this same reason, also, god he exalted a superior position and kindly gave him the name that is above all else, so that in jesus' name every knee of those [who are] in heaven and those who are [over] the earth and those [who are] under the ground, and openly recognize * every tongue that jesus christ is lord for the glory of god the father.
Revelation 13 and 17 Beasts
by Duran inrevelation 17:8-11,12-14. revelation 13:3,5,7,8,10;11:2,3. revelation 13:11-17;19:19,20,21. revelation 15:2;20:4. what beast does it state that gets thrown into the fiery lake with the false prophet?
what beast gets the 42-month authority given to it in which time the motb is given out?.
what beast is the 8th king?.
Babylon is indeed an important biblical symbol, and it's beneficial to understand what characterizes it! In chapters 17-20 of the Book of Revelation, we see Babylon, the pagan Rome of that time, the beast which is the symbol of all antichrist powers, a caricature of the dominion of Christ. Wherever there is a quest for world domination, the beast is present, Satan, who lies as he did during the temptation of Jesus in the desert, claiming that he owns the whole world and gives it to whom he wishes. This is the diabolic imitation of Christianity. John looks at his own time, sees the evil, the mighty forces of human frailty, the power of the Roman empire, but he also sees that these cannot compare with the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ because, pardon the expression, they are not in the same weight class. Emperors die, empires vanish, ideologies disintegrate, but the incorruptible body of Christ lives, and a Christian can eat from the tree of life every day. Here too, it is proven that the sufferings of this life are not comparable to the glory that will be revealed to us in the future (Romans 8:18).
Babylon is a symbol, a symbol of Roman power persecuting Christians. But Babylon lives on, and as long as there is human history, there will be Babylon. In the twentieth century, we all witnessed empires collapsing. The older generation still remembers the self-satisfied communist propaganda of the fifties, and the even older generation has memories of the haughty self-glorification of fascist ideology. Both promised world salvation, an earthly paradise, and saw themselves as eternal, while producing mountains of corpses and committing atrocious wickedness. But behold, these too have failed, not primarily for political or economic reasons, but essentially because of an anthropological error: they wanted to build a great and eternal empire against God, which is so contrary to human created nature that it cannot last long.
Of course, unfortunately, new Babylons are also forming, and perhaps every century, every generation is given the opportunity to witness the rise and fall of a Babylon. Our era too produces its own antichrist empire, which I dare not name, just as John did not dare to name his own in his time. Let him who has understanding figure it out. It could be an empire, an organization, a concept, an ideology that opposes God's universal rule. The essence of Babylon is the striving for world domination, characterized by a fierce hatred for the revealed religion, for the mystery of the cross, which first hides behind the veil of tolerance, false peace, saying: man is allowed everything, and then one day openly attacks the Church of Christ. It is characterized by the complete twisting of God's laws, the parliamentary voting down of the Ten Commandments one by one, the complete relativization of the most basic categories, such as male and female, life and death. With a powerful apparatus, it makes the media of the time its vassal, through which it manipulates people's thinking and subverts their values.
Let us not be so naive as to not see behind all this the machinations of the personal evil, Satan. The new Babylons are built according to his plans, even if those who execute the plan do not know who their leader is. Therefore, whenever someone approaches us with fine theories to incorporate us into an organization, let us have the courage to ask in whose name they come, who sent them, to whom they are accountable, from their immediate boss to the highest leader.
Rev. 17:1–6. The harlot on the beast. Through the mediation of one of the angels entrusted with pouring out the seven bowls of wrath, John becomes privy to a new vision. In verses 1-6, the angel shows the seer "great Babylon" (v. 5), upon which judgment will soon be executed. The first descriptor of great Babylon: "the great harlot, who sits upon many waters" (v. 1). Old Testament mode of expression for designating a wicked and idolatrous city as a "harlot" (Isaiah 1:21; 23:16; Nahum 3:4; Hosea 4:12; 5:3; Ezekiel 16:15; 23:1). The ancient Babylon literally "sat" on many waters, built over the irrigation canals led from the Euphrates (cf. Jeremiah 51:13). Rome was not located by the sea, nor did it have a river comparable to the Euphrates. But as we see from verse 15, "she who sits upon many waters" is not to be understood geographically but allegorically. Rome's religious immorality spread throughout the world through the idolatrous and antichrist nature of the emperor cult (cf. 14:8). "The wine of her fornication," offered by the "divine emperor" to all subdued and allied peoples, is the worship of a mortal man instead of the living God. It intoxicates the peoples with the emperor cult, giving them the illusion that the emperors can truly help them in the ultimate questions of life and fate.
The angel takes John "into the wilderness" "in the spirit." The wilderness here does not mean the same as in 12:6, in the case of the woman clothed with the sun. For the church, the "wilderness" means refuge. For the harlot Babylon, it is a sign of desolation, for according to Isaiah 21:1, the judgment came upon Babylon from the wilderness. In the wilderness appears the antithesis of the woman clothed with the sun, the church, a woman sitting on a red beast. The beast is the phenomenon known from chapter 13, which has seven heads and ten horns (cf. 13:1). The color red (cf. 12:3) is the symbolic color of the underworld evil demons in Babylonian mythology. According to the representations that have survived from the ancient Near East, the gods often appear standing or riding on some animal, usually a wild beast. As we will see later, this phenomenon refers to the symbolic embodiment of Rome, the goddess of Rome. The names of blasphemy on the beast are the same as those we encounter in 13:1, the divine titles of the emperor, holy, majestic, divine, god, lord. The woman sitting on the beast was adorned with wealth and laden with jewels. The purple and scarlet are the colors of the Roman emperor and the Roman knights. In her hand, the golden cup full of "abominations and the filth of her fornication." The contents of the cup are the same as the wine indicated in the second verse, the intoxicating wine of the emperor cult; by which the peoples were intoxicated. The name of the woman on the beast was written on her forehead, which revealed the secret of her being. This moment, again, refers to the connection of the phenomenon with Rome, as Roman harlots wore their names on their forehead bands. The name of the woman sitting on the beast: "great Babylon, mother of the harlots and abominations (monstrosities) of the earth." This designation is a biting mockery of the reverse of the name of Rome's mother goddess, and at the same time its judgment. In fact, this Rome and its emperor, revered as gods, are nothing but the source of idolatry, the enemy of the living God, the embodiment of the antichrist spirit and as a monster the destroyer of God's people. Particular attention should be paid to the expression bdelygma in the name of the woman sitting on the beast. The word originates from the Book of Daniel (9:27; 11:13; 12:11). From here it was taken over by the First Book of Maccabees (1:54), and then by Jesus (Matthew 24:15; Mark 13:14). The bdelygma originally referred to the monster that destroyed Jerusalem and God's people, persecuted the Yahweh faith, desecrated the temple, Antiochus IV Epiphanes, a Seleucid ruler. Later it became the apocalyptic name for the antichrist. The monstrosity of the woman sitting on the beast is evident from the following statement: "and I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus" (cf. 18:20.24). Therefore, judgment comes upon her (cf. 6:10; 19:2).
"...whose seat is in the city built on seven hills." - According to Rev 17:9, the whore sits on seven mountains, which, according to our anti-Catholic friends, means the Vatican, as ancient Rome was built on seven hills.
Firstly, the Greek word used here, "horos," means mountain, not hill, as all translations reflect (as do international translations - except for a couple of anti-Catholic translations). The word for hill is "bounos." In the Bible, a mountain is a well-known symbolic expression for kingdoms (cf. Psalm 68:15; Daniel 2:35; Amos 4:1, 6:1; Obadiah 8-21). That this is also the case here is clearly clarified by the Apostle John, for he adds: "And they are seven kings." So the seven mountains represent seven kingdoms or countries, but since the number seven signifies completeness, perfection, the seven kingdoms ultimately denote all the kingdoms of the Earth.
Secondly, the Vatican was not built on seven hills, but only one: Vatican Hill. Moreover, it is not part of the seven hills on which ancient Rome was built. Those are on the eastern bank of the Tiber River, whereas Vatican Hill is on the western bank.
Revelation 13 and 17 Beasts
by Duran inrevelation 17:8-11,12-14. revelation 13:3,5,7,8,10;11:2,3. revelation 13:11-17;19:19,20,21. revelation 15:2;20:4. what beast does it state that gets thrown into the fiery lake with the false prophet?
what beast gets the 42-month authority given to it in which time the motb is given out?.
what beast is the 8th king?.
Many Biblical scholars believe that "Babylon" is an allegory of Rome; perhaps specifically at the time to some aspect of Rome's rule (brutality, greed, paganism), or even a servant people that does the bidding of Rome.
In 4 Ezra, 2 Baruch and the Sibylline oracles, "Babylon" is a cryptic name for Rome. Elsewhere in the New Testament, in 1 Peter 5:13; some speculate that "Babylon" is used to refer to Rome. In Revelation 17:9 it is said that she sits on "seven mountains" (the King James Version Bible—the New International Version Bible uses the words "seven hills"), typically understood as theseven hills of Rome. A Roman coin minted under the Emperor Vespasian (ca. 70 CE) depicts Rome as a woman sitting on seven hills.
According to the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, "The characteristics ascribed to this Babylon apply to Rome rather than to any other city of that age: (a) as ruling over the kings of the earth (Revelation 17:18); (b) as sitting on seven mountains (Revelation 17:9); (c) as the center of the world's merchandise (Revelation 18:3, 11–13); (d) as the corrupter of the nations (Revelation 17:2; 18:3; 19:2); (e) as the persecutor of the saints (Revelation 17:6)."
Revelation 17:1 - Revelation 17:6 This chapter is the key to the Book of Revelation: Saint John sees the embodiment of the Antichrist in pagan Rome, which persecutes Christians. However, it should not be forgotten that the Roman Empire is also a precursor to all godless powers. The great harlot: Rome. The great waters are the peoples of the Roman Empire (Rev. 17:15). They have fornicated, that is, they have adopted Rome's idolatry and immorality. The scarlet beast is the first beast described in Rev. 13:1-8, the material and political power of the Antichrist. The names of blasphemy are the deified names of the emperors. The seven heads and ten horns are explained by the angel in verses Rev. 17:9-14. Verse Rev. 17:6 alludes to the persecutions of Christians. The angel presents Rome as a great whore. As Rome, or Babylon, stands against the heavenly Jerusalem, so this whore stands against the woman crowned with stars. Rome sins with its godlessness, idolatry, and emperor cult, or in the language of the Scriptures: it is immoral. This woman builds her power on the conquered peoples, the great waters. The angel takes John into the wilderness; Isaiah calls Babylon the "desolation of the sea" (21:1), from which John might have taken the expression, representing the barrenness of godlessness. The woman sits on a scarlet beast which symbolizes both the splendor with which she surrounds herself and the blood she has shed to govern the conquered peoples and that which the Christians have spilled for their faith. On her forehead was written her name: public women wore their names or their house name written on a band on their foreheads. The mystery indicates that it is not the real Babylon being referred to, which was already in ruins. The woman is drunk with the blood, the spilled blood of Christians gave further impetus for persecutions.
Revelation 17:7 - Revelation 17:18 The Roman Empire, identified with the Antichrist, was in its full power during the time of Emperor Augustus, but is no more: with Nero, Augustus's family line died out, and the turmoil following Nero's death almost led to the empire's collapse. It rises from the abyss: it regains strength, and the persecution of Christians resumes. The seven mountains: the seven hills of Rome. The seven kings: represent seven emperors. The five are: Nero, either Galba or Otho, Otho or Vitellius, Vespasian, and Titus. The sixth ruler is Domitian, contemporary of Saint John, the seventh is likely Nerva. The ten kings: barbarian kings subjugated by Rome, who will later rebel against Rome (Rev. 17:16) and thus become instruments of God's punishment. For one hour: a short time. The angel explains the vision. A symbol can refer to multiple things, but a thing can also be explained by multiple symbols. The beast on which the woman sits is the Antichrist. As Christ died and rose again, the Antichrist tries to mimic this. - The Roman Empire existed before Christianity, so it was. With Nero's death, Augustus's family was extinct, so it is not, and people really thought the empire would also end, but it was revived. Here Satan tries to imitate Christ's second coming: was, is not: emerges from the abyss. The beast's seven heads are the seven hills of Rome, as well as seven emperors. Different explanations are given for these seven emperors. One explanation is that Augustus is the first, followed by Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero – these are said to be "five have fallen". Vespasian is the sixth: he is reigning now. Titus is the seventh: he has not yet come, and he will rule only a short while. Domitian is the eighth, who people saw as the resurrected Nero. This sequence disregards three rulers (Galba, Otho, Vitellius) who tried to come to power after Nero's death. However, it is also possible that John sees seven rulers who will rule at the end of the world, with the eighth being the Antichrist himself. The ten horns are the kings helping Rome, who persecute Christians but ultimately turn against Rome. The number ten is also a complete number. - The whore is destroyed, but the beast itself remains, indicating that it is not only the personification of Rome but also of every godless power throughout history.
Revelation 18:1 - Revelation 18:3 The chapter dramatically presents the fall and punishment of God and His Church's main enemy, the pagan Roman Empire. The angel proclaims the fall of Rome in a prophetic past, as if it has already occurred. The angel announces Rome's fall and destruction because of its idolatry. John writes about future events as if they had already happened.
Revelation 18:4 - Revelation 18:8 The Lord Jesus warns Roman Christians not to share in Rome's sins (Rev. 18:4-5), and commands the angels to execute judgment (Rev. 18:6-8). The angel urges Christians to leave the city so as not to perish with it. But this call also means that Christians should not have any fellowship with pagans.
Revelation 18:9 - Revelation 18:10 Allied princes mourn Rome but do not rush to its aid. In one hour: suddenly. The allied kings mourn Rome but from a distance, lest they perish with it.
Revelation 18:11 - Revelation 18:20 Merchants and sailors, who accumulated great wealth through trade with Rome, also lament the city's fall. The merchants mourn the fall of Rome because their businesses cease. In contrast to this mourning stands the joy of Christians: Rejoice...
Revelation 18:21 - Revelation 18:24 The final fall of the persecuting Rome is symbolically sealed by an angel with a great stone thrown into the sea (Jer. 51:61-64). The immutability of the judgment is symbolized by the casting of the stone into the sea. Pagan Rome disappears like a stone thrown into the sea.
Revelation 13 and 17 Beasts
by Duran inrevelation 17:8-11,12-14. revelation 13:3,5,7,8,10;11:2,3. revelation 13:11-17;19:19,20,21. revelation 15:2;20:4. what beast does it state that gets thrown into the fiery lake with the false prophet?
what beast gets the 42-month authority given to it in which time the motb is given out?.
what beast is the 8th king?.
- Is Catholicism Pagan?
- Is Catholicism Half-Pagan?
- Did the Catholic Church Have Its Origin in Paganism?
- The Beast and the "Great Babylon" - By Carl Olof Jonsson
Part 1 * * Part 2 -
Trinity Statements in the Dead Sea Scrolls
by Sea Breeze indr. ken johnson has identified several statements in the dead sea scrolls that predict that god would visit the earth as a man... as the messiah.
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Trinity Statements in the Dead Sea Scrolls
by Sea Breeze indr. ken johnson has identified several statements in the dead sea scrolls that predict that god would visit the earth as a man... as the messiah.
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"Why doesn’t that count?"
Because we take into account not only that there is a difference in theological background between the OT and the NT, the most important thing is that it was written in a different language, so here it is not necessary to look at the general sense in which "elohim" is used in the OT, but to whom and in what sense "theos" was used in the NT originally written in Greek. And it is decisive: no inspired biblical text originally written in Greek calls anyone other than the true God "theos" in a positive sense.
"What Heb 1.4 says is that Jesus “became” better than the angels because he inherited a more excellent name than theirs."
Hebrews 1 speaks partly of the supremacy which he already possessed from the beginning (meaning his deity), since he is the only one begotten of the Father, and on the other hand of the glory which he received only after his resurrection and ascension. The two are not sharply separated in the text, for example in verse 10 it is about the creation of the world, it was obviously before those mentioned in the verses 3-4: "made purification of sins", etc. So this part is about his glorification as a man, i.e. that after his resurrection and ascension he received the name "Lord" in terms of his human nature, this is what Philippians 2 is about.
"On the other hand it makes no sense to talk about God himself “becoming” better than angels."
However it makes perfect sense, if we confess not only the one-essence deity of the Son with the Father in the Nicene sense, but also his dual nature in the Chalcedonian sense, according to which he took on human nature at the time of the Incarnation and will no longer put it down. And what the Father did in relation to the Son, he did not "with himself", since we are not Sabellian modalists either. Here it is about how the Father glorified the man Christ.
"Which manuscript are you saying had a full stop in John 1.1c?"
The ancient manuscripts did not use full stops, commas, etc., and I did not claim that such an NT manuscript exists, but that this is how the Arians interpreted away John 1:1c.
Trinity Statements in the Dead Sea Scrolls
by Sea Breeze indr. ken johnson has identified several statements in the dead sea scrolls that predict that god would visit the earth as a man... as the messiah.
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The NT never calls God's angels 'THEOS', and in the case of Jesus, we are not just relying on the application of the word "THEOS" in the singular and without any diminutive appendages, but on such attributes (omniscience, beginninglessness in time, prayer hearing, worship, etc.) which cannot apply to created angels.
On the one hand, the apostle sees the form of God in terms of equality with God, and on the other hand, we know that angels are in a lower form of existence than God. Christ has a higher dignity than the angels, according to the beginning of chapter 1 of the letter to the Hebrews. Thus, his divine form of existence cannot be categorized in the language that occasionally calls angels (or human judges) gods.
The NT manuscripts did not differentiate between "THEOS" with a lowercase, and "THEOS" with upper case, they distinguished whether Nomina Sacra were used or not. For example P46 gives a very interesting example in the text of 1 Corinthians 8:4-6, in which references to “God” and “Lord” (in reference to Jesus) are written as Nomina Sacra, but the so-called (thus false) “gods” and “lords” are written out in their entirety:
“With regard then to eating food sacrificed to idols, we know that an idol in this world is nothing, and that there is no God [ΘΣ] but one. If after all there are so-called gods [ΘΕOI], whether in heaven or on earth, as there are many gods [ΘΕOI] and many lords [KYPIOI], yet for us there is one God [ΘΣ], the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we live, and one Lord, Jesus Christ [KΣ, IHΣ XPΣ], through whom are all things and through whom we live."
"THEOS" when applied to Jesus is always 'nomen sacrum' in the ancient MSS, so it should be translated with a capital letter.
Fun fact: The Arians of the 4th century interpreted John 1:1c by putting a full stop after «God was», and "the Word" was placed as the beginning of sence in the next verse.
The ascension of King David to heaven
by Leolaia inthere is a rather obscure statement in acts 2:34 that specifies that "david himself never ascended to heaven".
the obvious question that arises from this remark is -- who ever believed that david ascended to heaven?
to answer this, we need to look where else but to the pseudepigrapha.
According to the WTS, such great figures of the past as King David or John the Baptist did not make it to heaven. And if they couldn't make it, how could we, simple believers, ever hope to get there, right? However, it's worth continuing to observe how the WTS argues: The WTS poses a misleading question. No Christian denomination's theology claims that "every good person goes to heaven". This theory might be popular among non-Christians, but only someone who does not know the Bible could make such a claim. Again, examining the broader context helps us with the correct interpretation.
Peter wants to prove that Jesus' resurrection was prophesied, and the Old Testament prophecy could not be fulfilled in David, because he did not rise like Jesus. Only Jesus' body was not found in the tomb. This contrast wants to emphasize Jesus' resurrection, but it does not reveal anything about David's state in eternity.
Acts chapter 2 uses David's prophecy about the physical resurrection. Peter makes it clear that David's prophecy could not refer to David, because David died, and his body experienced decay, his grave is still visible as proof of this. The contrast is between David's decomposed corpse in the grave and the living, immortally resurrected Christ. David's body saw corruption, Christ's body did not, but rose immortally and incorruptible. Christ is therefore clearly superior to David, and therefore He is Lord of David.
The Watchtower quotes Acts 2:34 about David, who did not ascend to heaven and claims that he will be resurrected for earthly eternal life - instead of heavenly life. However, just because David did not immediately go to heaven at the time of his death, this does not mean that he was excluded from the Old Testament saints who went to heaven at Christ's resurrection.
Moreover, far from the Watchtower using this verse to prove whether David has or does not have heavenly hope, the context does not mention David's resurrection at all, but rather Christ's and how He fulfilled the promises given to David. Thus, we see that when Jehovah's Witnesses use this verse as evidence for their view on David's resurrection, it is completely unfounded.
The translation of this verse is intended to support the idea that the deceased go into a "death sleep" after their death, and even the best do not go up to "heaven". Concerning the doctrine itself, we only note two things: (1) No biblical Christian denomination teaches that "every good person" goes to heaven. The condition for salvation ("being saved") is faith in Jesus (Jn 1:12-13), not living a good life. (2) The souls of the deceased do not go to the "heavan" after their death, as we are not talking about astronauts or airplane pilots, but to heaven. There is a difference between the two, as under the heavan we usually understand the atmosphere or outer space, under heaven we understand the place of God, his presence, the place where he is, that is, the invisible sphere of his kingdom.
However, it is more important now to examine the correct translation of the verse. In the Greek text of Westcott and Hort, it appears: "οὐ γὰρ Δαυεὶδ ἀνέβη εἰς τοὺς οὐρανούς" (see The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures, WTB&TS, 1985. p. 527.). The correct translation of the text is: "For David did not ascend to the heavens...". Regarding the misinterpretation, consider the following:
Did you notice that the Society does not quote Acts 2:34 correctly? Its exact text is this: 'For David did not ascend to the heavens', but Christ, about whom David wrote in Psalm 110:1. Again, just observe the text itself! What do you think, was Peter really talking about David and his eternal fate, or was he preaching about Jesus? I believe Peter used David's lines to validate Jesus' resurrection. He is proving that David was not talking about himself in the psalm (since he died, his grave is well known, 2:29), but prophesied about Jesus (cf. Mt 22:43). Shouldn't David's fate be left in the hands of his Risen Lord?
We see another example of how the Watchtower Society rewrites, falsifies the text of the Bible in order to support its own teachings, and prints and distributes this in hundreds of millions of copies among the people seeking God. Is this an honest practice on the part of the translators and the publisher? Shouldn't we rather let the Scriptures form people's lives with their unaltered text? Can it really be said of Jehovah's Witnesses in the light of Bible forgery that they are the true religion because the "members revere the Bible as God's Word"?
Our understanding is aided by examining the broader context. Peter wants to prove that Jesus' resurrection was prophesied, and the Old Testament prophecy could not be fulfilled in David, as he did not rise in a manner similar to Jesus. Only Jesus' body was not found in the tomb. This juxtaposition wants to emphasize Jesus' resurrection, but it does not reveal anything about David's condition in eternity.
The real question that Jehovah's Witnesses need to answer is where David will be in the resurrection? The Watchtower teaches that Old Testament prophets will be resurrected on earth, as they are not members of the 144,000 chosen Jehovah's Witnesses who go to heaven. In contrast, the Bible teaches that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob will be in heaven. Jesus said, "But I say to you, many will come from east and west, and will sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven."
So what is the correct answer, did David go to heaven or not? In the end, yes. Two aspects need to be considered: 1. When David put the quoted text on paper, he was still on earth. 2. Today, David's soul is in heaven. However, his body has not yet risen, and it is not in heaven, as Acts 2:29 suggests.
Trinity Statements in the Dead Sea Scrolls
by Sea Breeze indr. ken johnson has identified several statements in the dead sea scrolls that predict that god would visit the earth as a man... as the messiah.
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