When we built our KH over 30 yrs ago, some publishers gave out interest free loans to the project. After a few years, we had built up our account, and we had the funds to repay these publishers. Funny though some of the Elders thought that we should just leave the funds in our account. I argued that we borrowed the funds to build the KH and now we have no longer any need for these funds so let's just pay these brother and sisters back. The BOE decided not to. Thenwhen the acct's were read, I invited these friends to request their money personally. I wasn't popular with the BOE at that time.
We even had a publisher approach us for a repayment 0f $20,000 loan. The problem though is we had no paper work, no knowledge, no witnesses, no transaction of this going through our acct. Just a verbal transaction of him giving this amt to an Elder who got deleted and moved out over 10 yrs ago. We had to pay that publisher back on good faith over his story. What a mess.
Want some advice? Don't get involved monetarily with the society.