It's like buying a new car. Every year there is a new model, because the older one has depreciated. This religion depreciates.
JoinedPosts by Quarterback
NEW 'Bible Teach' book... to be released at Annual Meeting?
by Calebs Airplane innot sure if this has been mentioned on this board yet, but i just heard from a fairly reliable source that the annual meeting will discuss, among other things, major changes in the 'bible teach' book.
has anyone else heard this??.
Married to jws, give me stength
by marriedtoajw inmy 23 year old son gave his first talk last year.
he met a catholic girl shortly after that, his girlfriend now, and got a part time job and stopped going to meetings.
hasn't been to one in almost a year.
Wait till you are discharged from Bankruptcy, and then sell your home and move to a place within your means. Whether you are a JW or not, you can't force people to want to work. But you also shouldn't be carrying the whole load. Let your married son live his own lif
Watchtower Takes in $2 Million Conditional Loan and Won't Return the Loan, Is it True?
by BucketShopBill ini heard several stories of the watchtower taking in loans and donations given by rich witnesses who have fallen on to hard times and asked for the money back and the watchtower won't return the money.
have you ever heard of the watchtower only paying the money back on "conditional loans" once legal experts get invovled?
one of the stories that is around is a family donated a large chunk of their nest-egg to the watchtower and the husband got sick and the branch refused to contact him when he asked for his conditional donation back, would the watchtower screw people out of their money?
When we built our KH over 30 yrs ago, some publishers gave out interest free loans to the project. After a few years, we had built up our account, and we had the funds to repay these publishers. Funny though some of the Elders thought that we should just leave the funds in our account. I argued that we borrowed the funds to build the KH and now we have no longer any need for these funds so let's just pay these brother and sisters back. The BOE decided not to. Thenwhen the acct's were read, I invited these friends to request their money personally. I wasn't popular with the BOE at that time.
We even had a publisher approach us for a repayment 0f $20,000 loan. The problem though is we had no paper work, no knowledge, no witnesses, no transaction of this going through our acct. Just a verbal transaction of him giving this amt to an Elder who got deleted and moved out over 10 yrs ago. We had to pay that publisher back on good faith over his story. What a mess.
Want some advice? Don't get involved monetarily with the society.
Did You Ever Communicate With Disfellowshipped Persons?
by minimus inwe were supposed to treat them as dead!
did you follow this direction?
It depends. I wouldn't shun a family member, and I wouldn't withold assistance/help towards them if they needed it. I realize that it would cast me into bad status within the congregation for doing so, but, that wouldn't stop me either.
That being said, there are some in my cong that have been DF'd for smoking crack, and if you were to show them any invitation of kindness they would abuse that. They do get a smile now and then, and a coin is tossed into their cup when I see them downtown.
Kim v. Watch Tower Bible And Tract Society Of Pennsylvania, Civil Action No. 2014-1126 (D.C. 2014)
by Bangalore inhere is one of the strangest lawsuits against the wt that i have come acoss.. .
It is weird kind of strange
Was there an adjustment to the August WT, QTR at the new Circuit Assembly
by Quarterback inthere seems to be a rumour re, the qtr regarding the resurrection and remarriage.
i know that the qtr states that the scripture refers to a heavenly resurrection, and so the survivors may remarry with their ressurected mate.
somehow they modofied this at the circuit assembly.
DD, they are saying that Jesus was only referring to a heavenly resurrection. He left out the earthly resurrection in his response.
I just don't see how BAC's/JWs can get around the false prophecy at 2 Kings:1-4
by booker-t inthis post is mainly directed at bacs(born again christians) more so then jws because jws have set dates before whereas bacs have always claimed they are not "false prophets" like jws and mormons.
at 2 kings 20:1-4 the "prophet" isaiah come to hezekiah's deathbed and tells him to get his affairs in order because "the lord says you will not recover and you will die".
now if this is not a "thus saith the lord" prophecy then my name is not booker-t. then hezekiah wept and begged god to remember all the good things and his devotion to god.
I guess what I'm saying, Booker, is that when Jehovah changes His mind, it's for the better.
Your comment, "It is amazing the lengths christians/exjw will go to give christians a free pass". So, let me understand this. You're not a Christian/exjw?
Posters do you know of any cases where a devout JW was DF'd for Lesbianism?
by booker-t ini think this is a hush hush topic among jws but i remember years ago at an assembly i saw two sisters(i am only assuming they were jws they could have been studies or relatives of jws) walking arm and arm like a married couple.
some of the jws looked at them like they had horns.
some of the jws moms were covering their small children's eyes and those two women were stared at like they had the plague.
Oubliette, don't over analyze my response. I have worked with and treated, and accepted people within the Diversity climate.
Moshe visits a KH today- did he walk out or was he thrown out?
by moshe ini walked in about 10 minutes prior to the start of the meeting- i sure looked like an unusual visitor wearing my best jeans a golf shirt and my yarmulke.. the first brother who approached me was an slighly built late middle age guy- he gave me a big hello and extended his hand.
i pulled out my 'end of false religion tract' and showed it to him.
"did you put this in my door?
Yes, what has happened to that guy?
Was there an adjustment to the August WT, QTR at the new Circuit Assembly
by Quarterback inthere seems to be a rumour re, the qtr regarding the resurrection and remarriage.
i know that the qtr states that the scripture refers to a heavenly resurrection, and so the survivors may remarry with their ressurected mate.
somehow they modofied this at the circuit assembly.
I think it was in the Aug study edition, Pro.