You can't lose what you never had
JoinedPosts by Quarterback
"Jehovah's spirit is being blocked in the congregation"
by stuckinarut2 inso, how many times have we heard this expression (or a variation of it):.
"jehovah's spirit seems to be blocked here in the congregation...perhaps he is bringing something to light...etc".
it seems that the org often uses this expression, and links it with the "fact" that god wont bless a cong as much,(or at all) if there is "stuff" or "sins" being carried out.. so, why is it then that the cong i am in is experiencing its best years of activity in all aspects?
Is the WTS effectively 'pimping out' sisters?
by Simon ini can't remember the topic with the discussion about the talk where they suggested that sisters should only consider ministerial servants as potential marriage partners but think about the implications more.. are they trying to use the potential affections of sisters to enourage brothers to do more and work harder?.
isn't this a form of 'pimping out' the sisters by limiting their attention to the people contributing to them?.
it seems to cross a line to me but i guess it's not vastly different to "only marry another jw".. what do you think?.
It's an interesting observation. I am very happy with my wife who was a regular pioneer, and looked beyond that thinking, because it was around in the 70's too. At that time you had to almost qualify to be a CO to become a MS. She surprised me in accepting my ring.
About 15 yrs ago, an Elder's wife in our cong gave this young sister this counsel to wait/marry a MS. This she did and eventuallly this marriage fell apart. Sad to say, some are thinking this way, and it's not only Anthony M.
This thinking will definitely ruin the lives of many. Maybe, the sisters are being used in this scheme, but after reality sets in. After marriages break up, there will be a spin on this.
New pick-up lines for non Ministerial Servants
by Quarterback inhere they are straigt from the presses of bethel.
a new publication for those trying to date and get that young sister to pay attention to him.
here are the top 10:.
Another line,
Will you accept this rose? What do you mean, "i'm not a MS?" Stand aside there are 19 more sisters waitin inline for this rose.
Canadians were left out of this one because,
Anthony can't speak french. We gave up our colour socks when we saw that Rob Ford wore them. Canadians will fight for our rights to be late. Our kids get married before they come of age to qualify to become a MS.
New pick-up lines for non Ministerial Servants
by Quarterback inhere they are straigt from the presses of bethel.
a new publication for those trying to date and get that young sister to pay attention to him.
here are the top 10:.
Ouch.....Oubliette watch that F word
New pick-up lines for non Ministerial Servants
by Quarterback inhere they are straigt from the presses of bethel.
a new publication for those trying to date and get that young sister to pay attention to him.
here are the top 10:.
More pick up lines,
11: I'd be willing to stop wearing my colourful socks for you.
12: Stop!!! You had me at, "You're not a MS?"
13: I have an Uncle who is a MS. He taught me all my moves.
14: I'm an undercover MS
Weekend of November 15-16 "Outrageous sock day at your local KH!"
by Separation of Powers ini am encouraging everyone here to go out a buy some outrageous socks for next week's meetings.
make a statement!
thank you to poster oppostate for the idea!!!.
Yes, Sock it to them. I plan to wear my Dr Seuz socks, and show up late for the meeting. Then after the meeting tell the friends that I just can't wait to go home to unwind and get into my spandex pj's, and watch that bloodguilty show, Hawaii Five O.
New pick-up lines for non Ministerial Servants
by Quarterback inhere they are straigt from the presses of bethel.
a new publication for those trying to date and get that young sister to pay attention to him.
here are the top 10:.
You can marry a unbaptised publisher, Karter.
New pick-up lines for non Ministerial Servants
by Quarterback inhere they are straigt from the presses of bethel.
a new publication for those trying to date and get that young sister to pay attention to him.
here are the top 10:.
Punkoffice....keep it, Parental Guidance
New pick-up lines for non Ministerial Servants
by Quarterback inhere they are straigt from the presses of bethel.
a new publication for those trying to date and get that young sister to pay attention to him.
here are the top 10:.
Here they are straigt from the presses of Bethel. A new publication for those trying to date and get that young sister to pay attention to him.
Here are the top 10:
10: You know there is a good reason why I'm not a MS, do you want to know?
9: Sure I'm not a MS, but, I'm not Bloodguilty. Here is a transcript of my publisher card.
8: Today I'm a microphone carrier, but one day I'll conquer and get my MS belt.
7: I really regret doing that higher education thing, one day I'll be forgiven and it will be behind me and forgotten. Meanwhile, can I pick you up in my new car, and treat you to a meal that is not at McDonalds?
6: Oooops I just heard that I'm being deleted as a MS. we have just 2 more weeks to elope and get married in Vegas.
5: I notice that you wear spandex pants. Does that mean that you also date non MS's?
4: I was so happy to hear about your reinstatment announcement. Now I can finally ask you out.
3: I'm confused from the marking talk and didn't know if it applied to you, is it was, can we go out sometime?
2: What's this? I'm not an MS? You make it sound like I'm an unbeliever.
1: Yes, I know that I'm only 22 years old, but I'm a shue in to making MS by next year.