Here they are straigt from the presses of Bethel. A new publication for those trying to date and get that young sister to pay attention to him.
Here are the top 10:
10: You know there is a good reason why I'm not a MS, do you want to know?
9: Sure I'm not a MS, but, I'm not Bloodguilty. Here is a transcript of my publisher card.
8: Today I'm a microphone carrier, but one day I'll conquer and get my MS belt.
7: I really regret doing that higher education thing, one day I'll be forgiven and it will be behind me and forgotten. Meanwhile, can I pick you up in my new car, and treat you to a meal that is not at McDonalds?
6: Oooops I just heard that I'm being deleted as a MS. we have just 2 more weeks to elope and get married in Vegas.
5: I notice that you wear spandex pants. Does that mean that you also date non MS's?
4: I was so happy to hear about your reinstatment announcement. Now I can finally ask you out.
3: I'm confused from the marking talk and didn't know if it applied to you, is it was, can we go out sometime?
2: What's this? I'm not an MS? You make it sound like I'm an unbeliever.
1: Yes, I know that I'm only 22 years old, but I'm a shue in to making MS by next year.