I'm not trying to defend that "Millions Now Living", theme or talk. You're right, it was probably designed to support the end is close concept. That is not as bad as blessing weapons to kill other nations. Surely layong blame on two smiling sisters wasn't the way to go.
JoinedPosts by Quarterback
This morning's magazine trolley encounter..
by GodZoo inwas just out shopping and came across two middle aged female witnesses with their magazine trolley..
i approached them and they were all glee and smiles and ready to hand me a couple of magazines.
one moment ladies i have just a couple of questions..
Every day is Xmax day in JW world. Yes the lights should be on year round. I keep my lights in Dec. The days are shorter at that time of year. I like to display my lights on my Snow Man. I have two fake Polar Bears in the Back yard. My wife is worried about the message that it sends, but who's the boss? -
This morning's magazine trolley encounter..
by GodZoo inwas just out shopping and came across two middle aged female witnesses with their magazine trolley..
i approached them and they were all glee and smiles and ready to hand me a couple of magazines.
one moment ladies i have just a couple of questions..
Well, let's really look into the fleecing of the KH's. I couldn't rightly call it that in what I experienced. In our city our mortgages were up the wazoo. We had a new KH and mortgaged to the tone of 1.5 million. It took four cong's finance it. Another KH reno that was 1/2 a million. That disappeared and we started paying less for use of our KH's I really don't care who owns those Bldg's Eventually those Bldg's will be confiscated.
The Royal Commission finally woke up every body, Catholic's, Prostetants, YMCjust . etc about not trusting your children under the care of anyone you don't really know. The JW's should admit that they have a lot to learn about that mistake.
Millions now Living will never die. So the Judge was wrong on that one, eh. At least he wasn't blessing the Arm's that other Religious Leaders were doing during the two major wars.
Surplus of Volunteers
by Quarterback indoes any one know , just how many bethel volunteers have increased since 5 years?
Does any one know , just how many Bethel Volunteers have increased since 5 years? -
Template to dump Special Pioneers
by avaddohn94 in"downsizing" has reached special pioneers.. this is the template mexico is using to get rid of many of its special pioneers.
see how cold and unloving is the language they use.
a translation attempt is as follows:.
10) Here’s the Good News, you’ve been reassigned to your Home congregation, and you have a lesser hour requirement.
9) Here’s the bad news, There is no more allowance for you.
8) Brother & Sister, you’re the 8th team to arrive at your assignment. Sorry to say, you’ve been eliminated from the Amazing Race
7) The Tribe has spoken, bring us your torch.
6) Sorry we don’t believe in Immunity Idols.
5) Sorry, you’ve been evicted from the Big Brother (GB) house
4) Go home, but don’t go materialistic on us now.
3) Surely there must be some aged relative that you could be freeloading
2) Special is a state of mind.
1) Your momma always said you were Special. Time to go home and realize what that means -
The updated Organized book
by Richard_I inthe updated organized to do our will book is now up.
i just skimmed through it very quickly and i think they are more lenient on reporting time now (p. 76):.
there are essential activities for which time is not counted, such as getting ready for field service, attending themeeting for field service, running errands, and so forth.
Yes, I read that too, Rich. I also read that both parents are allowed to each count 1 hr for FS during Family worship with unbaptized kids. Before only one parent was allowed to do this -
Was there? -
Remember when you could wear casual clothes to the congregation book study?
by RULES & REGULATIONS ini would get home from work,eat dinner,shower and put on jeans,a shirt and gym shoes to the book study.
then,one day a letter was read where men would need to wear a suit and tie and the woman would have to wear dresses.
it was stated in a letter that the change was due to, '' giving a better witness to anyone who would watch us walking into our local congregation or a neighbor's house.''.
In the East of Canada in the early 70's we dressed up, but the West of Canada, in BC they wore jeans, depending on the various cong's. In the 90's I started wearing a nice sweater with my shirt and tie, and my BS became casual. Then a young Elder moved in and complained. He brought it up at an Elders meeting, but he didn't win the argument. We cheated, we wore suit coats over our sweaters, and then took the suitcoat off and sat there with our sweaters. It pissed him off. -
KM - another evidence for the leaked letter
by fastJehu inthe december kingdom ministry (km) is online.
no schedule for the first week in january 2016 - as in previous december kms.. so another evidence, that beginning with january 2016 the org will change the mid-week-meeting.. -----> download link: http://download.jw.org/files/media_publickm/72/km_e_201512.pdf.
Interestingly the November KM ends at the end of November, and doesn't have that week overlap into next month. -
Bethel Layoff Notices arrive under Bethellite doors
by Quarterback injust heard from a reliable source that some at the canadian branch have received their lay-off notices under their doors at bethel.
don't know what the letter looks like.
probably something like, " the tribe has spoken, bring us your torches"
Unless the Overseer of your work assignment got the same letter