Joe: We are free to accept whatever we want to accept. I know many scientists that don't accept the Evolution theories.
Vidiot: I have great respect for the our earth, and Solar system. Mankind is very limited, oesn't possess the knowledge on how to survive in some environments. I hope that one day we will learn how to do this,
Magnum: My line of reasoning?? I stated that the earth and solar system is evidence of a intelligent designer. Some christians would say that the Creator has always existed, It's hard to wrap our heads and accept that idea. It's something that you need to accept on faith. The Gen account says, "In the beginning, were the heavens and the earth, Then God said....."
Steve: I guess Wikipedea has some interesting explaination in defining Creationism. Iread in there that Fundamental Creationists are those that take the Creation account as literal.