Meet with them, and ask them how long must you wait to see so much suffering and dying by the Ebola virus, ISIS, etc. You have a right to feel as you do. I've heard worse statements coming from all sorts of people
JoinedPosts by Quarterback
I am sooo screwed
by Yondaime inso last night i was talking to my sister about how i admired president obama's speech to the u.n that happened earlier that day.. i then compared the extremism of isis to how much of a fanatic my jw bil is.. at the end of the statement , my mom walked in to the kitchen.
she was standing in the living room and she heard everything i said.. she called the elders that night to tell them what i said so they can counsel me.. i'm going to meet with them after the meeting on sunday!.
what do i do?!!!!!.
The Pastor of my Old Church Tried to Re-Convert Me Yesterday
by cofty inyesterday evening my wife and i were invited to friends house for new year's eve.
we met them when i was a christian and we have kept in touch.
they had a few other friends there as well, including the new church pastor and his wife.
Hmmmmm...we are still talkiing about this 8 months after? I'd say that your Paster couldn't re-convert you.
Watch out Governing Body...the Catholic Church is cracking down harder on child molesters
by sparky1 in
OMG ...It's the beginning of Babylon the great being destroyed.
should i marry and have a child with my partner
by stevepill inhi, iv'e been a regular observer on this site for a while and would be very grateful for input from witnessess and non-witnessess.
ti widll try keep it brief to avoid too much reading!.
I agree with the overwhelming responses of these posters
Saturday morning field service is a joke
by hoser ini havent been going door to door saturday mornings for since i can't remember when.
i have been putting in regular reports to the congregation but the last time i actually went on a door was probably six months ago or so and it has been at least 2 years since i did a saturday morning.
9:30 we showed up to the group arrangement, we waited outside because we were not sure that it was the right place.
But are the people really not at home? I heard this experience about one JW who was knocking on the doors in a neighborhood. After 1 hr of writing down "Not at Homes" on a slip of paper, a car alarm in the neighborhood went off. Then, to his surprise, everyone that was marked down as not home, looked out of their doors to investigate if it was their car alarm. When he saw that, he just crumpled the paper, threw it away, and considered that everyone was home and the Territory was worked.
The RVs are home. They just are playing Hide and Seek.
Cable vs the Antenae tower
by Quarterback ini kind of wanted to know if some have made this transition from escaping the satellite/cable monopoly to the large antenaes that require no monthly bills.
does it work?
is there a good quality such as hi def?
Thanks for your comments, guys
Street Work is hard! Take a look.
by Wasanelder Once inremember how we were told to engage people on the street, that standing and holding the magazines was not countable time?
those days are gone.
they have been reduced to the status of those guys on the street who hold huge "little ceaser" pizza signs and "homes for sale".
Ha, ha... Good capture of their thoughts
More WTS cash-grabbing: "Funds on Deposit" program for Circuits
by sir82 inat a recent circuit assembly "business meeting" for elders, a new program was announced: "funds on deposit".. here's how it works:.
each circuit determines a "floor" and a "ceiling" for an amount to hold in their circuit checking account.
when the "ceiling" amount is exceeded, the amount above the threshold is wired to the wts and held by them.. if the circuit checking account drops below the "floor" amount, the circuit can send a request to the wts to request that some of their "funds on deposit" be returned to them so that their checking account resumes a "safe" level.. as explained by the elder explaining the program,, "in other words, the branch is acting exactly like a bank - the circuit will make deposits and withdrawals as needed.
Well the current arrangement is no better. What happens now, is the surplus funds gets donated to the WW Work of JW's. Then this creates a deficit for the assembly expenses, and we make up the difference and create a new surplus. Next Elders meeting...."hey Guys we now have another surplus, let's give it away to the Society". Guess what happens close to the end of the Assembly, an announcement..."Duh...we have another know what to do"
Cable vs the Antenae tower
by Quarterback ini kind of wanted to know if some have made this transition from escaping the satellite/cable monopoly to the large antenaes that require no monthly bills.
does it work?
is there a good quality such as hi def?
I kind of wanted to know if some have made this transition from escaping the Satellite/Cable monopoly to the large antenaes that require no monthly bills. Does it work? Is there a good quality such as Hi Def? How many channels do you get, and are there ways to replace the PVR?
Saturday morning field service is a joke
by hoser ini havent been going door to door saturday mornings for since i can't remember when.
i have been putting in regular reports to the congregation but the last time i actually went on a door was probably six months ago or so and it has been at least 2 years since i did a saturday morning.
9:30 we showed up to the group arrangement, we waited outside because we were not sure that it was the right place.
My sat morning is not much better. I am the Car Captain. My SUV sucks on gas at $1.28 a litre. I have this little fat punk kid that his parents give him $5.00 ($2.00 for a drink, $3.00 to give the Car Captain for gas exp's) He just pockets it. He doesn't use it on breaks. What mom doesn't know won't hurt him I guess. I don't care about the money, but he does have a good scam that he's working. He's ahead by $20.00 a month. That little weasel will be rich when he gets to his adult years. Maybe I should just keep a running tab. I could give it to him by the time he turns 21. By then he will owe the Car Captain about $2,000.