JoinedPosts by Quarterback
Send In The Clowns
by OneFingerSalute inas i sat through another mind numbing sermon this morning i could not help thinking that the speaker was a total clown.. lime green suit, white shirt, yellow tie, blue socks barely higher than his ankle, brown shoes, and an orange cast.
all that was missing was a big red rubber nose!
and of course everyone remarked what a wonderful talk he gave.
Sounds like Don Cherry visited your congregation. Just google him if you don't know him -
Shorter meetings for field service
by hoser inmarch kingdom ministry insert is about how the field service meetings will be shortened from 10 to 15 minutes down to 5 to 7 minutes.
they want the publishers to report more hours.
in my experience the problem isn't the length of the meeting for service but pioneers and publishers dogging it after the service arrangement.
it's about time (no pun intended) -
Nightline program with segment on JWs has been changed until tomorrow night.
by AndersonsInfo ini was at a criminal trial all day in murfreesboro, tn, involving the notorious jw who i call "mommy molester," angela montgomery.
this is the reason i didn't know until this evening that the nightline program with the segment on jws was changed until tomorrow night.
(i forgot my phone.
All we saw in Ontario for that time, and channel is an infomercial. -
How JW act at hotels with free breakfast
by whathehadas inlmao.
At some of these hotels/motels that I have stayed at, you wouldn't want to take their food to the assembly. Some food that was available was not even edible for breakfast. -
Simon Cowell gets a new JW New World Translation Bible
by dozy incould he be the next "celebrity" jw?
:-) .
Good point Stuck. We could have also our very American Idol speaker -
Simon Cowell gets a new JW New World Translation Bible
by dozy incould he be the next "celebrity" jw?
:-) .
OMG...Imagine if he made it to the Theocratic Ministry Overseer position. That would make it the TMS from Hell. -
I received my acceptance letter into Nursing School.
by adjusted knowledge ini've been actively pursuing a career change for quite a few years.
i've applied for nursing programs at several local public colleges.
the competition is high for this limited access program.
Good for you. Nursing is a very giving field. I always admire their sacrifices, strengh, kindness in caring for people who have been weakened by illness. All the best to you my friend. -
Memorial Question?
by naazira inover the years, i've come to notice that some of the friends will not touch the plate with the bread or the cup of wine ,when the emblems are being passed around.
i remember a row of 3 people told the brother to skip over them.
every year i have noticed this behavior.
Could be a number of reasons. Here are the Top Ten:
10) They are Egyptians
09) Sitting in the smoking section
08) Prince has shown up and filled three rows with his body guards.
07) It's the full moon, and you just know that passing the emblems to a Werewolfe doesn't end good.
06) Running out of time, and the program needs to end quickly to accomondate the next group.
05) Nazirites aren't allowed to touch wine
04) Some in that row can only eat Gluton Free
03) There may be ten men in that row holding the skirt of a Jew, Hands are occupied. 02) Chewing gum 01) The row may have their own Wine and Crackers, are are not sharing theirs
Look further into the May 15th Simplified version, you will find it there. They must have run out of space in the April copy -
by JOE_BLOW_ELDER inexciting watchtower news!
watchtower and i-drone in a strategic relationship.
(ap) i-drone is set to hover over each house dropping leaflets and airing spiritual soft rock ballads (such as the classic i dont get no education, satan blinded me with science or not hungry like a wolf because sheep are our friends***).
Yes, Drones are the answer to those secure appartment bldgs.